The White Bag Thread v3


kinda op


OwO best ring


I thought: “Why are you giving me another Concertina now?”

So I picked it up, but got stuck in an infinite loading loop as soon as I entered the Realm Portal. When I quit and relaunched the game, it disappeared.

Yeah, I was pretty pissed, but…I still would’ve liked to keep it, y’know.

ffs why am i so obsessed over this item?


That’s puzzling. I lost my recently obtained Crystal Sword when getting caught in a lengthy game loop. I didn’t care enough to make a big fuss about it, but in addition to experiencing a record level of lag since Unity released, I’m hoping this isn’t a regular occurrence.


A bunch of weird stuff has been happening lately. 38 people (including me) DC’d from my key in a Pest Control run. i was recording and remembered a bunch of details so i filed a support ticket with DECA. I hope I get it back…


The only good bow.


i think thats my first double white (prism and ring)


Heheh;; That’s what I would’ve done when I heard of the forge coming out! In the end I did manage to get it through an actual thicket…so that’s neat

I greatly approve of your decision to forge quite possibly the best spell in the game
No not really it’s actually quite shit despite the rarity ; - ;


Yeah, I was excited to obtain one for the first time, but then I almost immediately found the parasite spell after the fact (also a first find), and the blast spell quite lost its utility. I don’t know what to do with it now. Feed it? Keep it as a trophy? :no_mouth:


I forged it and just keep it on my wizard as flex mostly. Though, i do use it occasionally. I really want to have a good wizard so I’m collecting items like that for it



I will take it.

Dagger and the ring left

Finally, CTrap from Thessal herself…

1 Thessal/ 0 CGift/ 1 Chest/0 Forge


give ubhp

also thanks for popping this shatts. ez 1 crown from 1 shatts.


Bruh. I have like 4 of all the other pieces of that set, but that darn poison will not drop for me. It’s the one bag in the game that I’ve been grinding for, but alas, nothing. One day. I’m hanging on to a thread of hope.


Update: I got it back! So cool of DECA.


PPE luck might be real (my first attempt), got quiver and in the same run got the helm
was too excited and lost the white bags ss



12th complete, 4th and 5th top :+1:

Got claymore that wc, and DIDNT EVEN NEED TO USE AN HP POT AT ALL!


Finally, I got this set completed.


Another one of this? I’ll take it.

2 Thessal/0 Dying/1 Chest/0 Forge.

Yep. Had that phrase ready like a boss.


Give me Dagger and Peridot.

3 Sentries/1 Malus/0 MBC/0 Void

But then I converted that Rune to Sword. EZ O3 (not for me though).


the necromancer lives again.

posting more pics soon…


ok, here we go - as of 2/12 during the valentines event