The White Bag Thread


How stupid are you. You realize XIYANGYANG is dreaddrakes alt who was banned. If you really think they are chinese you the delusional one. They are a common troll that lies constantly. On their other account they were not chinese, and still are not chinese nor can they speak it. Any educated person knows that by now, it’s insanely obvious I’m only quick to judge the forums trolls and I’m pretty sure you are one as well.

The subject is over now don’t respond because you are going to ruin the white bag thread.
Edit @moderators could you remove all these off topic comments of a dead discussion including my own so no morons arent tempted to reply to it


Honestly I can’t even. Even reddit is more intelligent than this.


The bottom part of that image looks shifty… looks like a weird-ly scaled image with no shadow on the side bar…

But congrats on that inventory, I haven’t gotten CSilk/CTrap/CBow in 91 OTs.



It was me recording (which was laggy assssffff which I didn’t notice) so I pulled the flash projector page a little bit and it off centered the OBS window recording so I messed it a bit more for it to fit. I don’t know what made that happen but then I pressed on the view thing 100% and it looked like it went back to normal. I didn’t even realise the bar until I saw the pic.




For anyone who still doesn’t believe in pope luck, I got a robe of the mad scientist and an expo in the same lab with a t3 bow. I forgot to take screenshots so you just gotta trust me on this one.


Also, when I stopped my archer pipe cause it got boring, I haven’t got loot since that.


Jumped when I saw the bag, felt depressed when I looked inside.


all around me are familiar faces…


got a dbow with a dbow xd


salty asf
(even tho I have dbow lel)


I’ll post my discord reactions as soon as they stop banging their heads against walls



It only took me a little less than 4 years to get a shatters white…


lel xd


gem is trash




lel why is your ign diff from your realmeye forum name


Probably he changed his name but since he hasn’t logged out of his forum account it still shows the old one :3