The White Bag Thread




ill have you know i got my first fulmi and my 2nd condu in the same lab during motmg


I tried lost halls for first time guys
That’s the loot i got

EDIT: i also got 2 mana and 2 life


Nice grape.


Nice Necro :wink:


This is like, my 5th a.s.s


never st staff or picta QQ


I got more pictas than dbows so whenever i get a dbow im happy




Boom, some more good luck!



Double white from crys, and first cwand in over a year. Off-centered text is from a glitch on kong, see previous post of mine in this thread.


hexorrrrrr xdddd





My First doku came from an egg, and the guy I was with got one from the boss!




My haul from the UDL event, in chronological order. Haven’t got the skull yet, but I’m not complaining.


First crystal white is a double white, not complaining. More people gotten double double crystal white?