The White Bag Thread


Not a white, but I managed to get a jackpot from the mystery box.


So happy to get these all in the same day! :smiley:


Ah I see


ty decker


I actually got 2 other shields and armors besides this
edit: another leafbow

edit: forgot to upload this one


I got the necro st staff a few hours ago but forgot to take a picture:


Ah, you’re the one that brought up the fact that you got ogmur for like 3 hours


Just got my first event white today! :smiley:


You don’t have to make up lies because you’re mad(?)
I wasn’t bragging, I was asking legit questions. :thinking:


My first event white was gotten this week also; it was an oreo


got my first leaf bow today :slight_smile:

lost the trix a couple minutes later when i entered a Lost Halls like an idiot :frowning:


cpe going well :sunglasses:

(cpe: cheap player experince: start with pet, old tops set, and run guild dungeons)


Shit, that was better than mine. Mine was a Ray Katana. But I like Ray cuz of it’s range :smiley:


only good things there are the crown, jugg, and resu


if you don’t want to get a qot you could always get backups of the rest of the set :3 (or get a ring for your paden)


imo if multiple charslots the ring is my bet, i’m not farming for the set and am instead opting to profit as much as possible as much as possible out of this frankly insane heart hype. (like wtf, i sold 10 hearts for a fucking deca. wtf is wrong with people)

the ring is a solid choice and it’s basically a lower effort ubhp.


What are you and where the heckle can I get a deal like this?

But most importantly why haven’t I been doing this sooner?


i was just shitting around with my warrior in the realm and some random knight at the beach was selling a deca for 10 hearts so i just traded him and he wasn’t lying apparently

it also happened another time with some other dude who was buying 20 for a deca, seriously it’s really common


This is a breakthrough and I am going to use it.

Wow scolling through the realmeye trading page be like so many deals so little time


Tbh, that’s probably rarer :laughing: