The White Bag Thread


Guess what!


Ive had 2. :confused:



Glawi stopped liking posts at this, he has migrated to the achievement thread




Fun fact: I got my first and only Vile Spirit 3 days after its release.


nope, he still liking everything. You can’t expect him to like everything immediately


I would have liked all this as soon as it was posted but I already used all my likes so yeah :d


PPE luck bois. This is the one.


Am I missing something or is that just a blank post with only text?

Me, talking out loud while playing, as you do: Hhhh, they’re buffing. Might as well help, maybe get a Soulless, Soulless Robe, ehh, ehhh? GASPING

What do I even do with this except sell it tho


You get the rest of the set and make a mystic


This is some hot garbage


not a white bag but i still screamed


2 top armors in one bag? Wow


ikr i literally screamed
now i have all the t14 armors
and ive only done 10 voids


First void white :o


Keep it it is about to be buffed (I’m pretty sure you already know this)


saw it on sbc channel first, but gg nice




No one cleared smh