The Wine Cellar and Oryx's Sanctuary portals should be kept open permanently.


In case you haven’t been on the RotMG subreddit over the past few days, there’s been quite a few posts to this effect – I wanted to make the case here and see what people think.

Basically, my argument is this: Oryx’s Sanctuary is, by a wide margin, the most fun and interesting content currently in the game. The fights are absurdly cool, the loot is awesome, the art and music are even top tier. And it’s no joke, either: I don’t think I’m saying anything controversial when I say that the minibosses and Oryx 3 are probably the hardest fights in the game. (Well, except maybe Gemsbok in a big group with good tricksters.)

I’ve run 5 public O3s so far during the event. I’ve died during two of them. I’m still having a blast, and all I want to do is get characters to 2/8 or 4/8 so I can go back in. This is an awesome dungeon.

So why, in a week, am I going to need three of the rarest consumables in the game to access it?

I get that Discord servers and guilds are a big part of RotMG’s lategame, and honestly, I think that makes sense. It’s an MMO, after all – player coordination will always, and should always, be rewarded.

But that player coordination should make doing the content more efficient, or easier. It shouldn’t be required to access the content at all.

It bums me the hell out that after this event, I’ll go back to doing one O3 every two or three days when I get lucky in a Discord’s afk check. I want to play more of the coolest instance in the game! Why is it so inordinately difficult for me a semi-casual solo player to do that?

Anyway, hopefully this resonates with one or two people. If you’re reading this and thinking “this guy’s full of crap,” seriously, I would genuinely love to have my mind changed. Otherwise, good look out there! I’m gonna go die in Celestial again :smiley:


Do you mean that you want to keep free O3 raid permanently like now or what?


That’s what he’s saying


I think that is a problem, but I don’t think that that is the right answer to it. I think, makin Janus drop a single guaranteed incantation and rune would be a good solution, as it would still mean that you have to go get them, but it would ease the prosses and give more reason for people to run Janus.

Just a whole lotta polls

Highly disagree doing this would render lost halls a useless dungeon for the most part.

Runes are far to rare though, i’ve gotten one


Make Janus drop 1/3 of guaranteed random Rune to one person .


well not necessary. you still need lost halls for def exaltations (one of the most important exaltations). and all lost halls whites are good and have high incentives, meaning people will still have a reason to run them.


How about this: have the Rune requirement remain the same, except you have to submit your Runes within 5 minutes of the Realm opening.

This means that people use Runes the same way as now, to access O3. But by requiring them to be used early-on groups can no longer jump on a Realm while it’s on Liches, quickly close it before anyone notices, and have O3 to themselves.

O3 then becomes not only a reward for having Runes, but a reward for clearing the whole Realm. Other players can see that the Realm is being closed for O3 and so join in.

Obviously this would need a whole new mechanic for Runes: perhaps a place to submit them which is active from map creation for 5 mins, which then is highlighted on the map if it has the Runes it needs for everyone to see.

(I actually like the idea of having one drop from Janus – he’s already a good source of WC Incantations. But that might make it too easy to get them, as if you solo Janus 3 times you can easily get 3 of them)


That’s not a good idea, that’s just gonna create more entitled idiots who think it’s their realm for oryx 3, and also it takes wayyy too long to actually get in oryx 3, most people don’t have that kinda time to clear a full realm every time they want to do o3


Really? Exaltations pretty much guarantee that people will always need MBC/Void/Cult completions, and I don’t think Void/MBC whites are gonna stop being top tier any time soon.


I just feel it would greatly draw attention away from the halls and cause many players to just do Oryx 3.

Public halls/shatters/nest/fungal would be done even less because people would just go through cowardice once the realm closes


Like others have stated, this makes me feel rather conflicted.

On one hand, I definitely agree that so far, this event’s been great for me - even if I’ve once again lost some good progress on getting Bard to 2k fame, I’m still joining any Sanctuary I come across. It being locked behind the runes makes them near unguaranteed in most scenarios - it’s an “all or nothing” type of scenario; if the majority doesn’t expect it, everyone won’t, kinda like with Janus during these events.

On the other hand, I also think that the Runes were perhaps a necessary evil. It’ll drive everyone to clear Realms as fast as possible otherwise, avoiding any encounter dungeons to not chance missing Oryx…however, I think that is currently only the case because of this being a special event.
If Sanctuary were always available, obviously slowly people would start to balance out on their desires…probably.

Finally, the design behind Sanctuary is also somewhat balanced on it being a not-too-common occurance - as the designers put it, they wanted it to be more akin to the old days’ Wine Cellar, which wasn’t always a guarantee either.
Perhaps the chance-upon-chance design is flawed, though. Egh, it’s a balancing nightmare…


Selling Wine cellar incantation 40 Def!!!


On the other hand, I also think that the Runes were perhaps a necessary evil. It’ll drive everyone to clear Realms as fast as possible otherwise, avoiding any encounter dungeons to not chance missing Oryx

Both you and @Shatter are making a similar point that if Oryx’s Sanctuary is guaranteed, players will exclusively run O3 to the detriment of everything else, and I think that’s not really what would happen.

The Shatters has much better drops than any godlands dungeon. Do people drop everything and sprint to an Avatar as soon as it spawns? No, they keep doing Sprite Worlds and Snake Pits, or whatever else they want to do. Or, if they really want to do The Shatters, they know exactly how to get to one. The point is that players have a choice.

Listen, Oryx’s Sanctuary is a brutally hard dungeon for even the top 5% of players. People are running them like crazy right now because they know this is the best chance they have of running one, but it’s definitely not the only content worth running; far from it.

What bums me out is that semi-casual players won’t have the choice of what to run after this event. They’re gonna be stuck doing the same dungeons, because they can’t do an O3. If Oryx’s Sanctuary is more consistently available, then I get to choose what I run, and that’s better for every player.

Edited: I do wanna thank y’all for genuine responses – your concerns are not without merit, and I hope I don’t sound dismissive.


Even harder than LH… I’d rather solo LH than raiding O3 most of the time.

Runes: Are we going to be useless?


Make the in-realm versions of the dungeons that drop runes guaranteed to drop at least 1, but not the key versions, to encourage people actually playing the game


In my perfect world…


What do you mean?


Ideally for me, no more runes :smiley:


really? I’ve found Oryx’s Sanctuary to be somewhat easier (except O3, leucoryx and gemsbok) than lost halls by a large margin. Though that might be because I’ve only used my knight for the most part, and I only remember horrible things about lost halls.

Reason why I think so is because unlike halls, the sanctuary’s length is reasonable, in a decent sized group of 10-30 people it takes <10-15 minutes to get to the selected boss. Lost halls takes 30+ minutes to get to marble and even longer just to do cultist’s hideout, and that racks up more time as well. the two basically Attritioning people to either dying or nexusing because of the length.

Not to mention marble colossus is in my opinion harder than Beisa and Dammah as he has too many phases, and just spams bullets everywhere with no safe spots to speak of, forcing you weave your way through pixel perfect seams that constantly change. So I’d rather take the sanctuary’s bosses and O3 over marble any day, not like anyone even bothers doing non discord halls anyway.

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