The Wine Cellar and Oryx's Sanctuary portals should be kept open permanently.


Out of curiosity, how would you rework them? You’re obviously a pretty end-game player, to say the least, so I would be interested in your thoughts. In this thread I saw at least one person suggest that Janus drop a guaranteed rune, and another suggestion to increase rune drop chance from realm-dropped dungeons – i.e., kill a miner, better chance for a sword run, etc.

Honestly, the main flaw for me right now is just the damn rarity. I honestly think it’s cool that you need three different consumables – it feels right for THE endgame dungeon that you need to have played many of the other dungeons to get in.

But if you up the drop rate… does that really increase the chance for a random solo player to get into an O3? Or does it just mean guilds and discords get more runs?

I think if the three-rune system stays, we need something else on top. Collecting three different late game consumables is just too much to expect 70% of the playerbase to be able to achieve on anything more than a yearly timeline.


I mean, y’all are the #5 guild by fame… that seems slightly more than casual, no?

This isn’t even, like, me flaming or something – I just think it’s important to recognize that a guild on the top 5 overall guilds with 70% white star players is the total opposite of “casual gaming”.


ah yeah, that’s just denski

most people joined this guild at red or orange star originally

we have no reqs and no structure we just play the game and our friends. that to me is casual


I think there’s something to be said about a difference between those who try to master something as fast as possible and/or play competitively vs. people who have been casually playing for a very long time. Goofing off and doing stupid things with friends enough can do wonders given time and some dedication. (Not just speaking about experiences within this game, of course.)


From what I can remember off the names on guild realmeye, no one in deri really sticks out as o3 tryhards aside from uni and cisphobla



  1. Rotate where runes drop between the 3 categories (realm events, endgame, and LH)
  2. Rotate free runes
  3. Allow Janus to drop runes, or even a wildcard rune idk
  4. Allow the shield rune events to also have their respective dungeons drop shield runes (tomb, ice cave, davy, ot, lod, mountain temple)
  5. just buff the drop rates

Just a whole lotta polls

One moment i agree with him but lost halls is still a pretty big dungeon raids 24/7 while their is no key for o3 i mean if it was possible to buy runes for like 2k gold each that would be better cause you got all these dungeons you can buy it should atleast be easier to get into since you have to clear the realm to get their


I’ve been no lifing this game for the past few months and still no rune drops.

I’m never going to be an o3 runner with runes the way they are right now. I’m not willing to join Discord raids to play a video game. It’s not even worth the trouble to unblock emoji, embeds, and reactions AND listen to tryhard RLs complain about the group they’re supposed to be leading. I can tell from the Twitch streams, it’s not something I would consider “fun”

As far as I’m concerned, endgame content in RotMG is still garbage. Shatts is the laziest piece of work this game has to offer, and Lost Halls is a close second. They look and feel like they were designed by Kabam, which looks bad on Deca when they promote it with events and exaltations. Considering the only other endgame content they have to offer is locked behind Discord raids, I’d say they still have a lot of work to do.


Comparing LH to Shatters is…a big stretch.
I dunno about you, but a dungeon that has easily cheesable boss fights - plus one that becomes near unbeatable lest exploited or with obscene healing/decoy abuse - seems much worse than one that is fully functional and nonetheless engaging (albeit spammy in status effects).


I’ve gotten:
2 shield (both before o3 release)
11 sword (2 before o3 release)
8 helm

To be fair I redefined no life but…


Candyshi is an outlier and should not have been counted. u-u


You show active disappointment when getting oreos from Pentaracts due to the sheer number you have. You regularly make posts filled with countless screenshots of endgame loot that many players will never see. If anything, the fact that you of all people have netted only 21 total runes is a strong argument that they are too rare.


2 shield runes btw.

Haven’t gotten one in 4 months btw.


ah yes

this seems like a man who spends his time in the realm and kills event gods


I do that and I’ve gotten a grand total of one (1) Shield Rune as a drop, bringing me to, what, 6/5/5 or so.
I think I would agree with the rates being too low and in need of a buff.


idk man, i got 2 helms 4 swords 1 shield and i play like 4 hrs a week?


Sounds like RNG to me. Works fine for rewards, but not so much for gating actual gameplay.


To make Oryx’s Sanctuary 100% free to enter on a normal day/permanently might be a little too generous in my opinion (outside of events ofc), especially given that the loot the dungeon drops as well as their rates have been balanced with this limited ascessibility in mind.

But that being said, I really don’t like the current rune system since it pretty much forces you to join a discord run, alongside the fact that with how rare runes are and how discord raid groups are run, has led to the dreaded entitled, privileged and toxic behaviour of having “private” runs or owning realms.

For a good while, I’ve seen a few different ideas from people to try and make the dungeon more accessible and become more public-friendly (I’ll list 2 of my favourite ideas below, albeit slightly modified). The loot chances would definitely have to be revised if any of these alternate ideas actually became reality, so I suppose it boils down to the fact of whether you prefer being able to do more runs with less drop rate, or less runs with the drop rate we have now.

1 - Have a chance of having one of the three runes already present

Straightforward, it’s basically the event we are having right now, except it’s permanent and doesn’t always happen. That way, instead of always having to require all 3 runes, it only takes 2 runes sometimes instead.

The original idea suggested that there would be a x% chance for one rune to appear, a much lower chance for 2 runes to appear, and a very unbelievably low chance for all 3 to appear. That could possibly work, but we don’t want to make runes completely irrelevant so I’d prefer if it was just a small chance of one of the three runes being present

2 - No runes needed to enter, but you suffer very harsh punishments throughout the run without them

Basically, the podiums arise as usual, but after a certain amount of time (eg. 30 seconds), Oryx’s Sanctuary opens regardless of whether runes were used or not. The twist here is that the absence of a specific rune will inflict a permanent, incurable debuff on you throughout the dungeon run. For example, with no sword rune, your attack damage will be halved, or no shield rune means your defense is halved (or health reduced), and maybe no helmet rune means your speed is reduced by 35%. Again this is just an example, but the gist is that you can technically complete the dungeon with no runes, but it will be extremely dangerous and much harder. It doesn’t take away the relevance of runes, because most players would want to maximise their survivability, so it would still encourage people to use runes to ensure a smoother, more realistically possible run.

The original idea was basically the same except that the runes gave you buffs instead. But seeing as how people can already do O3 in the current times and how he’s meant to be the hardest boss, definitely didn’t see this working out.

Just a whole lotta polls

i will direct you to my 6 oreo drops since o3 came out.

and my 3 qots.

i don’t get anything else


to be fair that post seemed like sarcasm