Theory: Is UniqueOryx = Bookbookbo?


Mm, that is really unnecessary you know. Looking at your graveyard, considering your graveyard shows you have 2292 deaths, I want to know what you’re definition of ‘trash’ is.

Also unnecessarily. Very unnecessary. Enjoy my flag.


I’m literally better than you in every way.

I mean what type of character even is this??


Please stop fighting with your self,



Just going to confirm this theory

not citing evidence

just confirming
I think of him as UniqueOryx, but whatever


this is just like the “OMG EXPOSED” posts…
@moderators pls do ur magic


I know him irl, can confirm he’s is both accounts smh


That is incredibly sad, I don’t understand how someone needs attention that badly


I only use one account on the fourms though.


You’re such a loser haha. Lmao @ your life.


Ok, I did not take into account how little brain cells some people have.

Bookbookbo = Main in the game

UniqueOryx = Alt, but used on forums

? ? ?
Explain youself.

[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!

You’re such a loser haha. Lmao @ your life. No explanation needed this thread is explanation enough.


˙ɥƃnouǝ uoᴉʇɐuɐldxǝ ǝɹɐ sǝƃɐɯᴉ ǝsǝɥʇ pǝpǝǝu uoᴉʇɐuɐldxǝ oN ˙ǝɟᴉl ɹnoʎ @ oɐɯ˥ ˙ɐɥɐɥ ɹǝsol ɐ ɥɔns ǝɹ,no⅄


You must be really offended to go through all that work lmao.


That took less than 2 minutes. I’m offended that you call that work.


You must waste your time flipping words and drawing squares a lot then.


And now I just realized you’re nothing but a troll like Zlushy.

But don’t worry, I have a special place for you!

@moderators It’s not you, it’s me!

K thx for the chat, bai now.




Alright now let’s stop this slap fight.

  1. Yeah unique has a game account and a forum account, I’ve known for a little while no reason to attack someone because of such fact.

  2. LukeyxD isin’t a troll as far as ik at least he wasn’t at the start of the forums before he came back.

  3. Pinkie pie’s my favourite.

