Things you miss or do not miss from your childhood?


For me its dance clubs, yeah they still exist but it was a different place and time.

I and my comrades would go out dancing most nights. It was mostly American disco and Russian rap

after a long a day of turning test you gotta unwind


I miss getting excited for a periodic chest event.


i miss my loving family who would remember by birthday
i miss a place i could call home
i miss having a safe space to cry when i needed too
i miss being able to be wrong and not be punished for it
i miss not being sad whenever i lost a competitive game
i miss a lot of friends that have slowly drifted away


after a long a day of turning test you gotta unwind

They already walk among us :open_mouth:


I miss not knowing every human beingā€™s depressing fate.

I donā€™t miss crying all the time.


I miss junior hockey. Hockey is the best thing thing next to my wife.




Why did this become depressing so fast?


Because itā€™s basicly asking what we miss about our childhood, meaning what weā€™re missing from a time where things were simpler and less bullshit about the world around us.


things were not simpler for me, my country was going through economic depression and political strife from the collapse of the communist government

these days things are much simpler and i would say less bullshit too since communism is dead in europe

other then dance clubs childhood was a worse time


eating sugary food reeeeeeeeeeeeee


I miss experiencing a vacation in St Thomas with my parents 11 years ago, which I remember it now fragmented and vague.

At least I donā€™t miss being gullible and a mentality of a 7 year oldā€¦


Canā€™t miss something I never actually had, or what you could consider a real childhood.


Da Fuq


:sob:So emotional. Happy Birthday :sob:


the instant you say that, it makes you like 40 years old.

Or slavs go club dancing when theyā€™re ten.

i miss doing nothing and being blocked on the internet so i watched shitty tv all day long. and not having to do real things.


What is wrong with being 40?


nothing except my last memory of taunt was him being like 26-27.


oh shit, i actually know i actually miss

kids not on their phones 24/7. Although im kinda in that generation that is just kinda the bridge, but now kids just hug their ipad and phones and play shit games (despite me playing rotmg).

When i was growing up it was pc, tv(not netlflicks) and computer. And actually going outside to play, despite me hating outside.


My childhood was a clusterfuck of bullshit so I donā€™t miss it, but if I had to pick somethingā€¦ maybe the schools I used to attend in Hamilton or the lake Ontario boardwalk/pier.

And despite everything going on now, itā€™s still a godsend compared to years ago. :joy: