Thoughts on sorcerer


What is your opinion about sorcerer? does it need buff or nah? is it better or nah?

Every answers is appreciated :smiley: <3


One of my two favourite classes (the other being the Necromancer).
The Sorcerer has great DPS, with 70 maximum Attack stat cap and 60 maximum Dexterity stat cap.
The Wand has long range whilst retaining moderate damage, coupled with the ability for its shots to hit multiple targets; its a good crowd controller.
Furthermore, tiered sceptre’s deal damage across multiple enemies and specialize in spread damage.

With the right set it can have some incredible DPS and be a mixture of supportive whilst still being offensive too:
image image ymPfzOk The%20Forgotten%20Crown

A set like this can easily become the Sorc’s best friend as it has decent output damage, whilst still supporting the Sceptre’s output. Furthermore Fulmi is supportive of the group as it arguably is the best slowing ability since it can target several enemies without precise aiming required.

I don’t believe it needs a buff, but if it were to get a change I’d reduce the max Vitality from 75 -> 70 and increase the max Attack from 70 -> 75.

To be honest, it’s a pretty well-rounded class and it doesn’t exactly excel in any single aspect.


Sorcerer is amazing both with and without UTs.
It’s pretty good at crowd control as its main niche, but is good at most things overall.


70 ATK 60DEX*
I’m a fan of the Sorceror, with the scepter of devastation you just tap your ability a couple times and you have soulbound on most bosses. It isn’t better than wizard, but the speed it has is pretty nice.


Oops, my bad. Fixed.


I’d buff the dex by five but that’s it


As a main sorc I’d say that if you want to really do great you should use the tiered septer as all the Ut ones are so situational as one can hit only 1 target(3 max) and another gains damage based on the number of enemies it hit first. I’d also like to say you have to choose between your ability and defense which changes based on you play style, defense is more important early and later on you might want focus on you ability using wis boosting armors, but Shendyt supports both and that’s a great armor to wear engame.


In my experience, the only drawback of the sorcerer is all the drops you get off-screen and don’t pick up.


No need for a buff. One of my favourite classes; decent speed, good damage, range + piercing, an ability that does distributed damage for clearing, getting SB.

Lots of UT options; a wand that ignore armour, another with 10 range for sniping and not triggering enemies, others with higher DPS and no piercing; a sceptre that slows, two that do larger amounts of damage to fewer targets. Can use most any decent robe and ring.

Perhaps there’s one thing I’d change, have the wis go up to 75, as it always seems to cap out too soon. But then would need to redo all the sceptres as they are balanced around 60 wis max. And there are lots of other ways to raise your wis.



Just feed that to a pet it does as much as a their 2 but doesn’t lose damage for targets as it hits the most targets


Read this this is a topic of sorc I made quite a bit back


sorc is my favorite class. recently ninja’s come close to overtaking that spot because it’s more exciting and requires you to pay more attention, but sorc is still #1 for me. devastation instakills from across the screen combined with instantaneous mass slow just can’t be beat.


Sorcerer is pretty good. Lots of sets you can choose to use. Good damage and the scepter is a fun concept.
No need for buff.


Like the others said, its quite powerful and fun to play with. However, I personally dislike its fragility.


I think Sorcerer is perfectly balanced, the wands bring below average DPS with the scepters devastating everything. Sorcerer is one of my favorite classes bar non.


Sorcerer is boring to play


To be fair outside of Rogue and Trickster, none of the classes are very mechanically demanding which is what I assume lead you to this judgment.


I really like Sorc. too bad i still don’t have para scepter ): pray4paraevent


Really? For Rogue all most people ever do is spam spacebar every 6.5 seconds, and stay away from other people while cloaked