Throw some math problems at me or someone else


<3 ty OB best mod make potatoes with me sometime


Insert extra credit here

  1. g
  2. j
  3. d
  4. k
  5. n
  6. e
  7. b
  8. m
  9. l
  10. g

someone double-check this, this was quick. i think 1 and 10 are the same


Find the limit, as x approaches pi/3, (0.5 - cos(x))÷(2x-2pi/3) algebraically




I can’t believe you pulled that out of your ancient stone sword

Graph the equation y=(2tan^2(x^2-1)+4)/cos(3tan(4cot(x))+ sec(csc^2(1/(x^2+x+1))


That’s not an equation, that’s an expression.
(No equal sign)


shit add =y to the right side


By hand? (Point plotting lelxD)


i like your sigma notation






19, to anyone who says 21 here’s my message:

“Delete yourself”


Party pooper




I always feel like I’m the only person who struggles with math in eighth grade. These two problems were part of the few that I got right on a quiz last week. Anyone?

  1. The solutions to the equation (z + 5 - 6i) ^ 8 = 81 are graphed in the complex plane. What is the area of the smallest possible triangle formed by 3 of the points?

  2. The set S is the set of positive integers whose prime factors consist only of 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s. What is the infinite sum of the reciprocals of the elements of S?

  1. (1/(1-1/2))(1/(1-1/3))(1/(1-1/5))=15/4
  2. too lazy to calculate the exact number, but all you have to is check like 3 or 4 different triangles b/c the roots form a regular octagon


I assume your #3 is in response to my #1, but yeah, it’s just the triangle formed by 3 consecutive solutions.


How many integer values in [-500, 500] satisfy log(kx) = 2 log(x + 2) for exactly one real x?

