Tied Army is recruiting for, what, the third time? (USMidWest2)


It’s a yes from me.


But can you do a dungeon without royally fucking it up? If so, you’re better than our founder and therefore should join.


I would like to join, I ONLY ever play in usmidwest2 if I can, I can max def in a couple hours max (By that I mean I can usaully max in less than an hour), and I have 1 8/8 1 7/8 and very soon will have 2 more 6/8s (The only problem is right now I don’t have a mic)
RN my current guild is ok, But I’d just really love a guild that I can stay in for 3+ months


Hah, the ones I have been doing I don’t normally fuck up.

Managed a few solo UDLs as my hardest dungeon, but I am starting to get a good feel about what I am comfortable with doing. This is as far as I have ever played so I am tip toeing currently.


Meh I have had 8/8 and gotten 1 or 2 lost hall white mabye I will join because my guild is now meh


I’d love to join if you’ll have me. I’ve been playing for a while, took a short break but I’m willing to put in some work for the guild : )

I can definitely max comfortably btw


probably not though sorry


we’ll make you good, get discord on comp and hit me up there; Rivvnik#1111 – we’ll go from there


hit me up on discord, we’d love to have you!


hit me up on discord, Rivvnik#1111; we’d love to have you!


i need you on my mattress








:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:stop trying to pressure me me


definitely not the intention!


got merching skills and can 8/8 pretty fast ;-;#5569 (discord)


My IGN is Lemmingbos, I’m a pretty active player usually on in the afternoon and night. I can max defense very easily and I’m always trying to get richer. Currently have 8 tomb keys I’d like to open. Lots of maxed characters including an 8/8 knight. I can talk on discord all the time. I’m 17 and am on EST. I look forward to playing with y’all.


If you still need people I would love to join.


Im shitty at ROTMG, have no life, and am a soulless ginger. Luckily i still have the redeeming quality of being awkward and annoying. Looking forward for my guaranteed invite


I can pop lots of dungeons and bring a positive and happy attitude


Hi I would love to join I grind and pretty.good at game.I’m chill also