Tier 8 Helm


Basically, you had an item way in the past that used the same internal ID. That item got removed, and now was reused for the T8 helm. Since you had been gone a while and still had the old item, it wasn’t treated any differently and got converted instead of disappearing sometime in between.

We’ll be replacing it with a T6 helm, which we hope will still be helpful!


what was it?


Should have fed it before Deca found out XD. I mean what?


should have died with it, so it will always show up in your graveyard


Wait why did y’all reuse the ID? Is it to lag less or something?


Idk if toastrz is gonna answer your question since that kinda gets into how they store information which maybe be something that they might not want to share but my best guess is that it’s to save storage space and also it’s probably just easier to just overwrite an already existing item with information for a new item than to create an entirely new object in the game that has to be made from scratch.

Just a guess. Maybe they’ll say more about it. Regardless, this is a very interesting glitch and it would be interesting to know which item it was before it got turned into a T8 helm.


Wildshadow was not “dumb”, there are plenty of unused assets, or rare unique assets, that are kept in the game, outside of the general population. The issue was, back in 2009, 2010, the game was a lot easier to hack, as certain server side code was not implemented correctly, or at all. Combine this with public leaks of the source code, and people were able to use programs as simple as Cheat Engine. Even though Action Script 2 was revolutionary on its hay day, it was not designed for MMO’s. However the blame is majority on the source code leaks. Give any real hackers of any skill level, the source code of something, and exploits will flow.


The architecture, the servers, do not use flash. Flash is not a server side language. The subsequent database for items would be validated on the server, before being sent back to the client.

I’m unaware of the specific language, but a member of the Deca team, the player who made the recent new secret dungeon, has confirmed the following:

  1. The server runs at 5 ticks per second, which is sloooow.
  2. The server side of the game is not written in C++, or any other comparable language of that caliber.


It was the old Magic Eggs tokens in this example that got deleted, then the ID number reused, specifically the x10 stack was what changed into the T8 helm:

The helm was added on 21st May 2020, https://static.drips.pw/rotmg/production/1589819988/

The tokens which previously had that ID were removed in May 2019, https://static.drips.pw/rotmg/production/1558529239/

So you would find the helm item in your possession if you previously had kept this stack of 10x Magic Eggs from Easter 2019 (bear in mind the max stack was 25x) AND (crucially) you had never played that character since May 2019. Because loading into the nexus or any area would allow the game to wipe nonexistent items from your inventory.

Possibly other stack numbers of magic eggs correspond to the other T8s but I didn’t look any further into it.


I wish I kept my magic eggs then.

would’ve been cool to have an exclusive item like that, even if it would’ve gotten converted to a lesser one afterwards.

Though that brings up a question that popped up in my mind. Where are T7-T8 abilities going to drop from when they release (other than the obvious O3).


O3 is currently the only difficulty magnitude of its kind. Nothing in the game remotely compares.


I think you misunderstood what he was saying when he said that. rotmg is written in C++ (I think), but objects in the game are not defined in it or any other programming language directly. objects are defined by their XML trees which reference pre-made “chunks” of code that then perform those behaviors. so <Behavior>Shoot</Behavior> refers to some other chunk of code that’s already written that does that actual shooting bit. so you can’t make an object in rotmg using C++, but you can create new pieces for objects using C++.

for example, let’s look at the onhit procs a bunch of items have now: the stuff that manages the functionality of the procs is normal C++ code, but the objects still don’t have any C++ in their definition on static.drips.pw. if you go looking for it on there you still won’t find any actual code. the server knows of some tag it looks for in the object definition and if it’s there then it uses the C++ that knows how to handle the procs functionality.

rotmg is C++.
rotmg objects are state machines.

uni’s calculator is built with state machines, not code. that is what makes it simultaneously stupid and impressive.


My bad, MrUnibro said the same thing. Darn XML clogging up my memory.


I never said the server was written in Action Script, however, it is most definitely having to communicate with Flash.

Anyway, not sure why every thread on realmeye kind of devolves into this “well, actually, I’m right” kind of bickering. It doesn’t really matter what they wrote the server in for one to assume that much of it is outdated at this point.


While we’re on this subject, I think this shows Deca would benefit from some standard way to handle event tokens (and this wouldn’t have happened), because sometimes tokens get removed, other times they don’t. Sometimes they’ve had FP values, usually they don’t.

My personal suggestion would be to always just abandon the tokens in the code as a perpetual trinket/memento for the player, and the benefit to you (Deca) is old tokens can easily be brought back in for whatever future event without needing updates to the items/spritesheets to add and remove them.

But also please always put on some appropriate FP value, to give the token stack some small use for those who complete the event ahead of time, or those who don’t want any of the rewards, or for those who miss the deadline at the Tinkerer. (Ofc you can set the FP to not be “OP” based on other FP values).


Such conjecture was not my intent or emotional state. However, seeing as I am not welcome, I shall use the disengage action!

Fridays are my D&D sessions, I’m sorry :stuck_out_tongue:


So by having this in place. Players may be willing enough to hold obscure items in hopes that they may get new gear. I don’t do this intentionally but I know I have some really random items on my character (particularly in my gift chest) that I don’t really use.

But then again, why did the game bother to remove old items especially since some very avid players like to have collections of old and rare items.


If I only didn’t give him my T6 helm. xP


That’s pretty nice. Getting to use a T8 ability (most likely) years before it comes out.


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