Time played


i just have to ask… how many hours played u ppl have?

im just not sure is the game is so addicting or theres something wrong with myself xD

im almost at 1,6k h played (not counting mules x.x)


Over 8 years and 83 days


2 years, 249 days, not as much relative to @SkySlurp


over the time span of 5 years 117 days
EDIT: i have spent 37 days on these forums, only over the span of 3.5 years or so :thinking:


2,225 hours wasted on this game :pensive:


I really don’t know if I want to work this out… but here goes.

My dead chars are at:
(over duration of 8 years 303 days)

My live chars are (from Muledump)…
image = 139d 10h

For 345d 1h 7m total = 8281h 7m.

Yikes. (also not counting mules, bigger yikes.)


Almost a full year


huh, nice scores here xD

p.s. didnt saw active time is also counted on realmeye, heres mine

(i got few more addictions ]:-> )


Just went and looked, I have spent 1 more day on the forums than I have in the game.


It’s nice to see them both as comparison because the Steam time includes all the time in menus, trading in nexus, standing in GH chatting, which don’t get included in the game’s “Active Time”, so yeah Active TIme will always be a lowball number for how much real time has been spent. :+1:


My active time is a lot higher then, I find merching to be a fun part of the game and can do it for hours sometimes



23d + 7h = 559h
2y + 276d = 1006d
559h/1006d = ~0.5h/d
So an average of thirty minutes per day. That’s good. Got a bit scared that I got more addicted to the game than I thought.

Oh, yeah…Mule times. Guess my blue star days of trading for hours can be hidden for now.


actually trading is huge part of gameplay for most of us probably so should be also included


1300 hours in almost 9 years.


im not on steam so i don’t have that but here’s Jakisaurus’s



3000 hours of active time, around 2000 on dead chars and 1000 on living ones.


is there a way i can see my total time played on the account if i am not a steam or kongregate user?


The active time (time the game tracks that we’ve spent killing enemies) is in two parts:

1. For our dead chars it shows on our RealmEye graveyard:
For you SirRenity this is: https://www.realmeye.com/graveyard-summary-of-player/SirRenity

2. For our alive chars we can use Muledump (wiki), or if we don’t have Muledump we can look individually on the character stats in-game and add them up ourselves:

Char stats on Flash (left) -- on Exalt (right):

image image


2342 hours (about 93 days) over 3 years and 3 months


Yeah but half of that is spent guarding USNW nexus.

Also so we can make fun of Jason, he has 130 days on main and 65 days on shatterbro = 195 days dead active time. And he’s been dead for 3 years…