Toga or Gsorc or Mrobe? (For wizard)


I have Mad robe, Toga or Gsorc for a wizard. What should I use?


Go with the gsorc


MRobe or GSorc depending on what works with the set and toga picta only with a necro full set


Mad Robe, Wizard doesnt need more attack nor wisdom because he has no WisMod, also his max att and dexterity are so high that he doesn’t need an attack boost from Toga Picta.


Toga, to make the damage per shot go through the roof.

Or just choose one you like to look at. All three are really similar.


Mad Robe and Gsorc are practically the same robe, so I’ll just mention Gsorc in my answer.

Toga is great if you have a maxed Wizard that you’re not going to lose any time soon, as it gives you an insane DPS boost. Gsorc, on the other hand, is an all-around decent robe, and it doesn’t really have many negatives to it.


Mad Robe in my opinion is a direct upgrade from Gsorc. It has an extra 1% fame bonus, and drops 1 wisdom for 2 vitality. Unless on a priest, those 2 vitality make more of a difference than a single wis, which might not even change stats on a character with wis mod. The fame bonus sells it for me.




Go toga, I have it on my wizard and it looks dope af


Depends on what you want. If you are going for power, pair Toga with an Atk ring.


Toga. Wizard won’t benefit from the added wis on gsorc or mad robe. I would only consider wearing the mad robe because of the fame bonus, but wis and vit buffs are a bit useless on wizard.


Toga all the way. Get that extra atk :smiley:


Toga duh

Water robe if you had it tho


Just farm for a water robe, and use the mlab robe till then.


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