Tp invincibility POLL

  • 1.yes we need it because no one will …
  • you just need to be careful when tp to event

0 voters


personally never died while tping, also seems exploitable. Tp deaths are fun.

  1. No you need to get over your wizard dying and move the hell on like every other person here.


not with a juggy warrior on garnet statue ^^


My 7/8 bracer wizard died is OK
But the way it die is fuck up


^ I stand by my statement


I can lose that wizard and move on
If it wasn’t tp to death .

I’m triggered by tp to death


I mean, why tf you tped exacly at red mark quest
if you tped just a bit further you could easily get to avatar without dying
and if you didn’t saw that point atm then just:

second option is just tp when oryx announce death of avatar but eh


So this is a rant? Is there any sort of discussion or even an attempt at fostering a discussion? This is the second post you’ve made about the death.


we need tp invulnerability for like 2 secs, or long enough to nexus without dying. i think the game should automatically pause you and unpause you when you move shoot etc.


I didn’t tp on avatar


i don’t care if he get over it or not but i think TP invincibility is a nice thing to have in the game to prevent stupid death


Well yaeh you tped on bloobomb bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
still you died beacuse of avatar event right


Fine I would STFU
And don’t forget to vote on my poll


I a nice guy
So I won’t attack another player
Even they triggered me
"Tp death are fun"


Then why not keep the discussion going on a thread which was created for this express purpose instead of fuelling this rant thread.

OP is clearly pissed off and is rant posting.


Make it an option, with default being turned on; 3 seconds after tp you are paused, so you can still nexus. I’m mainly worried about people abusing or hacking the pause tp function

Edit; wow the poll is pretty divided
Edit 2; okay, so we can get some discussions going, let’s list the pros and cons of having that grace period.

Pros; people will die less to event sitters, or tping to dangerous places
Cons; … Okay, I’m having some difficulties. Help?


ik i was surprised


Invincibility shorter than 0.5 sec is useless. Invincibility longer than that will introduce a new gameplay where you tp to near players to handle things like dirty events. Also rip oreo


Its still fun lmfao, the better the character the more fun it is