Transparent/Translucent Players


With LH 2.0, especially in void and colossus, it’s very easy to get lost in a group and tank a ton of shots in a row. Please, DECA, add a player translucency slider. It would make the game infinitely better because dying by running into shots you can barely see is extremely annoying. Adding player translucency would make the game take a lot more skill rather than praying for priest heals every second.


We actually need this into the game, especially for events with 100+ people in a single dungeon


I agree. This wasn’t a fix I’ve considered, but it’s actually a great idea. Perhaps this would make rendering other characters easier and help with lag too.


Amazing and ingenious idea

This should definitely get in game


Now that I think about it this could be usefull


The only stipulation to your suggestion is rogues already become semi translucent when using their ability so you’d have to either re-do what the Rogue looks like when using their Cloak so you don’t confuse a translucent player to a cloaked rogue, keep the translucency the same between players and cloaked rogues but then you can’t tell when your cloak expires if you’re a rogue, or make the rogue become even more translucent when the slider is active; almost Ethereal like which could be either seen as a good or bad thing because:

A. You won’t see yourself clearly

B. Neither will other players if they aren’t paying attention to the name underneath the walking shadow so there is potential of accidental dragging


Solution: turn the option off when you are a rogue


While yes, that’s true but there shouldn’t be an option like that unless it will benefit everyone. It would be a little redundant to have to turn that off whenever you wan’t to play Rogue. There should be a middle ground


its also a slider, so you choose how opaque the players are


I think it would like a little funky if you saw a constant transparent rogue running around if they didn’t want the slider to affect him because he already becomes transparent so you’re unsure wether they are cloaked or not (Besides looking at MP Heal) or if he becomes basically invisible if it affects how you see them too.

I’m confusing myself at this point so my interpretation of the slider would be the slider can change everyone in between 100% -> 60% transparency and say a Rogue already has 60% transparency from his cloak. Id like to see if even when cloaked with the slider active would he stay at 60% transparency like everyone else or would it effect him the same way and turn it into 20% transparency. It would bring Going Invisible to whole new level.

My concern would be people accidentally dragging on them if they are being completely oblivious to the name and star below the walking ghost. Unless the slider effected those too

Interesting debate but id like to see it



In LH’es with 100+ ppl I get 15 FPS. This would be a great option. For rogues, a suggested solution could be to set a certain opacity when cloaked ( and when cloaked, the transparency settings don’t affect the rendering of the rogue)

For dragging, well, I see a couple of scenarios in which this could be a problem.

  1. You are rushing and you don’t know when people will TP to you
  2. Malicious, intentional drags
  3. 2 people are rushing together and they don’t know where the other is
  4. In LH’es, peeking crusaders


  1. Warn people that you are rushing and tell them not to TP to you unless you issue an all-clear
  2. Yeah bad people gonna drag, nothing really to do about this
  3. Zoom in on minimap and locate each other via minimap/ don’t rush together/ discord coordinations
  4. Listen to your raid leaders and don’t peek like an idiot/ use minimap

Subcase: MBC and Void
Solutions: Use minimap/ allow the +HP/+MP text from pets to show


I haven’t seen that show in forever

Based on what I can remember from it, it was great


“Going Ghost” was his catch phrase. That will be the new description of Rogue


this is a great idea! pls DECA add dis because i cant do damage to MBC because of my constant 10-5 fps


smh nevov killed my idea faster than a 0/8 knight sitting on oryx.


But this one is a slider, so transperancy is to the users liking


Same reply as before really, if it can be a toggle option allowing the ‘classic’ full solid ally players option to remain then fine.

IMO it would only need to be a slight fade effect and your own sprite would stand out well, not even going half so transparent as how a cloaked rogue goes.

Also, obscenely large pets are half the contribution to on-screen mess, so I’d want them included in any ghosting/transparency to match the players or it’d be weird. Or, better, the option to disable ally pet sprites/force them to size of a common pet.


I support this, while doing wlabs during the event, it has opened my eyes to certain shortcomings of the game. For example, sometimes not being able to see the chest or my shots (on a warrior it is more difficult)


<insert gripe about how “but the skins ooooooo”>