Trickster decoy direction


as we all know, when using decoy the direction where you send the decoy is based on your character last movement

im new to trickster, but using decoy has been weird for me, shouldnt the direction when you send decoy should be based on your mouse position rather than your character last movement?

because when i play my trickster i’d be constantly dodging and then when i want to use decoy i have to make a small movement to set the direction i want my decoy go which risking my character getting hit by enemy shots also often the server doesnt register immediately what direction it was and thus sending out decoy in random direction

playing other class like archer,sorc, etc their ability shot is based on where the mouse position, so why is trickster based on the character last movement?

edit: forgot to mention, im only talking about decoy that doesnt have teleport ability


Only the decoy is. The teleportation is already using the mouse, I personally like being able to shoot a decoy in one direction and teleport somewhere else. You usually want a decoy to go towards monsters and teleport away - using mouse for both is a bad idea


right i was talking about the decoy that doesnt teleport like dancing prism and dire prism

sorry i forgot to mention


Even then, that would cause inconsistency between prisms. Players used to moving for decoy direction will be left confused and vice versa.

imo prisms could definitely deserve some polishing - perhaps Unity, as a better client, might help.


The server delay is perhaps the most infuriating part, since you don’t know how long you have to move before the decoy will go in the direction you intended for it to go.

Of course you get more consistent with practice (or you can over compensate, and move a ton in the intended direction) but other factors such as latency still make it quite wonky.


one of the best ways to do this with a tiered decoy is to place your mouse a bit behind your character and parallel to the direction for the decoy to move and while you will be going forward it will seem like you stayed in place and you wont have to worry about teleporting all over the place.


Trickster sucks, kill it and play a better class.


Wym, trickster is hella fun, looks like u never played it


This is the only downside to the class imo. sometimes it’s quick like 1-3 tiles, sometimes I have to walk like 9-10 tiles in a direction for it to go that way. Frustrating but not a character breaker :smiley:


Yeah, I’m pretty sure this has to do with how laggy you are (i.e. if you’re really laggy and have super high ping, the server legit doesn’t know you’re moving in that direction until a few seconds later = 9-10 tiles).

This also affects short confuses most notably in labs. Sometimes I want to do the trick where I hold ‘forward’ and my character will keep moving forward even if I get confused (as long as I don’t change directions). But high ping will mean that, if I just started moving forward, then get confused, I will change directions because server thinks I’m moving different direction. uwu


I’ve played tons of tricksters, and they suck. They’re objectively the worst class.


You mean subjectively, right? Because no class is objectively the best or worst.


Trickster is, Einstein told me.


Does that mean you are the oldest player in realm?

#15 Best class in the game. Proven. :wink:


That would be crazy, he just speaks to me inside my head sometimes.


trickster>mystic so


2 things:

  1. I’m guessing that you’re one of those guys who thinks mystic is the worst class ever, so saying “trickster > mystic” doesn’t really mean much
  2. mystic is stronk get on my level nub


Love me some Mystic.


Samurai tho