Trivial Issues Thread



Don’t see it


In the “wall” there is a tile missing


Wrong that’s a path not a wall, just the wall is in fact popping out over the leaves for some reason

Just a graphical error



fix the descriptions


wait what’s wrong with it? someone enlighten me because i’m retarded


It’s yellow but it says silver… took me some time to notice


oh, i never thought of that as an issue lol


Could still be silver just painted gold


no! how dare you bait us with logic!


Robe and spell in solstice quest (W) are in the wrong place.

Tinkerer' quest is in the wrong order

2 posts were split to a new topic: Pet kills giving XP
(XP and how it’s given = beyond trivial. Split into its own topic)


Status effect immunities dont display properly on esben creepy spirit monster imag mirror whatever.


Creepy dark weird spirit mirror image monster*


A post was split to a new topic: Nexustutorial
-redesign of the nexustutorial could generate a whole discussion topic of its own.


This really annoys me as the game is Realm of the Mad God


Well technically you don’t have to use it in the realm, can be used in the Nexus, bazaars, vault etc. which altogether could be known as the world.


Description on item 0x4c87 Haunted Knight Skin:



Peppermint snail still drops as a pet egg, I got two recently


I guess this is an issue?