Trying to reduce ROTMG playing during motmg


Grades do matter in HS.
Source: Acceptance into a top university.

Grades are one part of the equation which includes many factors. All else being equal, better grades will put you above another candidate. Students with good grades were present regardless of their actual “intelligence”. This was because they put value in schooling and were successful due to that.

Grades still matter in college.
Source: Trying to get into competitive post-grad. programs.
See above - it’s the same shit.

The idea that one’s youth is wasted by studying (or learning or going to school) is generally an idea held by those who were unsuccessful in their own schooling or wildly successful out of schooling (the silicon valley college dropouts for example). While plenty of people do not need schooling to be successful in life. evidence still supports that one’s engagement in school and learning will lead to better outcomes. Grades are one (but not the only) metric of this.


Hang on, thought we were tying to help someone, not argue about grades, or was that just me?


I agree, and this is swiftly getting out of hand.

@Lbstotle, would you be ok with me sitting down this thread if you’ve got your recommendations, or are you still going to hear more opinions?


Before this (potentially) does get closed, I will just throw this in:

For people who are externally motivated, it can be hard to hold yourself to certain goals around homework and other such things. The website can help you to keep track of tasks you need to do, as well as get out of certain habits you don’t like by basically turning your life into a game. It’s not for everyone, but I know it really helps some people.


I might just try it out, seen it on the app store but am honestly very hesitant about self improvement apps


It helps that I’ve been gamifying life since before I could talk. I was introduced to that website in school my Junior year, but I mostly ignored it, because I like what I do better, quite frankly.


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