Trying to understand the RealmEye API


Hi. I am rather new to RotMG, and I ran across the ReamEye API, which is really cool. I started using it for keeping stats of my own characters. What I have working now is really neat (I’d share it with you if I could), but the API in its current state doesn’t provide much more data.

Does anyone here know how it works? I have been looking over the code shown in Github, but having trouble figuring out how it collects data from RotMG. I’m currently not even sure where it goes to retrieve its information. If anyone can point me in the right direction for this, or knows someone who does, I would greatly appreciate it.



Ever see those silent wandering bots in bazaars and in nexus? They aren’t rwt or some other kind of spam, they belong to realmeye and they observe everything. That’s where realmeye’s info comes from.


but doesnt that mean that those bots use hacked clients?


I dunno, it’s an army of bots what do you think?


realmeye bots use modified clients to connect, that breaks tos

deca just turns a blind eye, because realmeye pays them money under the table from their ads

you hate to see it :pensive:


It’s because RE has shown that it bears no malicious intent to the game or DECA. As realmeye is a pretty good resource (that saves deca from having to make a long term graveyard, show rolls etc) they allow it


The way I’ve heard it explained is that the game publicly broadcasts a variety of information, some of which is visible in the client like a person’s equips and health while other parts are hidden in the client like inventory or stats. Realmeye views this hidden information in the same way that hacked clients are able to.


I would say they do because if they don’t move for a certain amount of time, it sends you back to the home screen. They’d have to have some sort of program that makes them move at set intervals.


Scripts =/= hacked clients


both are against tos


Look who’s talking…


The ToS is for normal players

Realmeye and Deca probably have another contract that allows them to use bots.


YOO that actually makes sense because how are all these bots not getting banned? Still, the bots that constantly spam for RWT sites is pretty old at this point.


The bots that spam RWT sites utilize an account creation method programmatically, so that every time an account is banned, another arises.


I am so so sorry for what I’m about to say but it has to be said. the unnecessary jargon usage in that sentence is so ridiculous it could have come out of a Dilbert character. just say “RWT bots make new accounts automatically when one gets banned”



Aside from my regular vernacular, that you can see across many of my previous posts, I suppose I have been knee deep in learning a new programming language. However, I do not think my original statement was beyond comprehension of a high school student. Too verbose to be considered simple, yes, but not complex enough to be the final sentence in an expanded brain meme.

RWT bots make new accounts automatically when one gets banned


The bots that spam RWT sites utilize an account creation method programmatically, so that every time an account is banned, another arises.


The implementation of specifically targeted computational language, commonly known as programs or informally as bots, that output unwarranted advertisements in game for illegal monetary gain, make use of a dubious utilization of the scripting languages of modern machines. This dastardly scheme involves these autonomous lists of electronic instructions to fiendishly detect whenever one instance of the client program has been caught by the machinations of the game owners and developers, Deca Games, based in Europe. Catching, in this development of events, often leads to the forceful disconnection and embargo of further services from the bot client to the video entertainment game servers. In reckless opposition, the now defunct script vehemently generates random yet saved to memory, account details that are which used to register a new account to start the endless cycle of life and rebirth.


The process of putting a decision or plan into effect of clearly defined mathematical calculation, frequently referred within the scope of knowledge as programs or in an unofficially manner as bots, to such a degree that produces data using a computer or other device, data which consists of beseeched announcements in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event in game for illicit growth in purchasing power that is derived from holding monetary assets and/or monetary liabilities during a period of changing prices, avail oneself of dubious usage, both practical and effective, of the scripting method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in the structured and conventional method, of modern machines. This dastardly large scale systematic plan for attaining some particular goal involves these autonomous lists of electronic detailed information telling how something should be operated to fiendishly detect whenever a single exemplification of the client set of coded software to control the operation of a computer has been caught by the machinations of the legal entity known to have the ultimate and exclusive rights and control over property that has been conferred by a lawful claim or title, Deca Games, geographically synonymous with the land continent belonging to the once European Economic Community. Seizing, in this recent cascade and subsequent shift of temporal occurrences, often leads to the assertive internet removal proctol and forbiddance of further property owned by the company, regarded as having value from the bot client to the video entertainment game computer or video entertainment game computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network. In reckless antagonism, the now fossilized, automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order, throws down the gauntlet by producing a set or sequence of items by performing specified mathematical or logical operations on an initial set of random yet technologically hoarded to Random Access Memory, where it is then exchanged into a more concrete storage vessel, records that correspond to an arrangement by which a user is given personalized access to a computer, website, or application, typically by entering a username and password. Thus, begins the cycle of Saṃsāra. Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit word that means “wandering” or “world”, with the connotation of cyclic, circuitous change. It is also the concept of rebirth and “cyclicality of all life, matter, existence”, a fundamental belief of most Indian religions. In short, it is the cycle of death and rebirth. Saṃsāra is sometimes referred to with terms or phrases such as transmigration, karmic cycle, reincarnation, and “cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence”. The concept of Saṃsāra has roots in the post-Vedic literature; the theory is not discussed in the Vedas themselves. It appears in developed form, but without mechanistic details, in the early Upanishads. The full exposition of the Saṃsāra doctrine is found in Sramanic religions such as Buddhism and Jainism, as well as various schools of Hindu philosophy after about the mid-1st millennium BC. The Saṃsāra doctrine is tied to the karma theory of Indian religions, and the liberation from Saṃsāra has been at the core of the spiritual quest of Indian traditions, as well as their internal disagreements.The liberation from Saṃsāra is called Moksha, Nirvana, Mukti or Kaivalya.


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