Twin Stick RotMG (Controller V2)


I’d like to believe I’m not the only one that loves playing realm on a controller. I’ve updated how I do it and here’s my current set up (twin stick :D)

First you’ll want to get Joytokey:

Second test if your controller is working by pressing buttons

Left stick:
under joystick 1


Under options


Setting the threshold to 50% makes the analog stick correctly mapped for 8 directional movement.

Right stick:


What this does is just move the cursor across your screen extremely fast



Button 12 for me on a PS3 controller is the right trigger. your coordinates will have to be different based on where your game window is the goal is to have it land where it does in the following picture.


What this does is cause the mouse to constantly be resetting to the middle of your character as long as the button is pressed, the mouse is set to move lightening fast to result in the following.

sadly holding the button is the only way I could make this work, if any one finds a better way, let me know (though having the button click and reset gives the feel of shooting in a proper twin stick shooter, kinda)

Other buttons: fool around with what you can do

Dpad: (can also sacrifice these for a slower mouse movement or flip Dpad with left stick)
Up: = (zoom in minimap)
Down: - (zoom out minimap)
Left: click and jump mouse to first inventory slot
Right: click and jump mouse to 5th inventory slot

A/X: click
B/Circle: click and move mouse to position of first item in bag. (or first player on the nearby player list)
Y/Triangle: click and move mouse to where “teleport” would be after pressing Circle/B (players with guild)
X/Square: click and move mouse to where “teleport” would be after pressing Circle/B (players without guild)

for teleport make sure the mouse jumps far enough right that it is past the word “invite” so you don’t go accidentally inviting

R1: rotate right
L1: rotate left

L2: ability

R3: Health pot
L3: Nexus

Start: interact

Select: idk come up with ideas! (for more than just select).

Now you can play realm as a twin stick shooter with or without rotation :slight_smile:

If you’re too lazy to set it all up from scratch here’s my setup 2020 edit: dead file

simply just move the file into the folder where your other configuration files for joytokey appear.

RotMG on PS4?
JoyToKey settings. (PS4 controller)
RotMG on PS4?
The General Chat Thread
RotMG on console?
How do you think RotMG would play like with a Joystick?

For classes with abilities that come from cursor location fiddle with the acceleration x

for example i’m currently using this for wizard.



I don’t have any joystick :worried:


Mp pot?


This is so cool! I’ll have to try it, thanks for sharing!


not important to me.

2020 Edit: jeez Jason, bit a of a dick response.


This is how I did it but then I realized I hate controllers.


My god


Shatters actually made his own post??? whaa…


I’ve made 44 :frowning:


Gotta try this sometime, it looks really cool!


When your pet is too broken


What about the people that do not have a divine pet?


um change the keys? this is my setup.


Oh alright!

Then maybe switch inventory tab? There’s already an ingame control for that, and you’ll definitly need to switch from inventory to backpack or see your stats at some point.


the way I have it set up makes playing the game with a controller easy if you have a mouse along side you.

you can sacrifice a bunch of useful things for cursor control to do things like that.


What do you find are the best classes to play with using a controller? I would imagine that sorc would be better than archer for example


I actually have been using the archer the most, it’s ability works perfectly.

Had to change the acceleration of the mouse for wizard to be at comfortable distance for spell bomb but it works fine, is enjoyable and the non circle aiming has no effect on the actual aiming it’s self.

mystic would probably be the worst.

though yeah sorc is easy ofc.


Oh damn got my Nintendo switch pro controller working wireless with realm and the computer/joytokey in general.

(literally just took connecting via Bluetooth)

no more Ps3 controller with a 2 foot usb cable


I use the application Re-WASD. I use an xbox controller. image
I set the left stick to aim and the right stick to move. Pressing the aim stick down uses my ability. Pressing the right, move, stick nexuses me. “A” button toggles auto fire. My right trigger is left click. My lefft trigger is left click. My right bumper uses a health pot. My left bumper uses a mana pot. My “B” button is the interact/enter a portal button. My menu button (the small one in the center right with the 3 lines) opens my options screen. The small button to the left of the menu button closes the window in case nexus is lagging.