Type With Your Eyes Closed


Type something and write the “translation”.

This is for you @Shatter.
Hey thats pretty good lol
Translation: This is for you @Shatter


I have no idea what to write, and this isnt even fake, hopefullt i make no mistakes



ta aslagjne for gnsi

translation for this

lel xd im ppe bzw

lel xd im ppe btw


:smiley: uau

Tranlastion: :smiley: yay


lel you are a scrub at typing, i did this with all of the punctuation and stuff, but i know it still sucks
no mistakes huh



Translation: yeah, sure.


lel xd mrch misrajes kik

lel xd much mistakes lol





Scorchmist is the best person alive, niegil sucks, scorchmist is better than him. shaxasno is weird. Shatter is also cool, piggby is also cool. Xaklor is also weird.

perfect. This is like better grammar than me with my eyes open.


Am I weird?


Very gud much like
Translation : I don’t like it


where am i scorchy ;-;


Scorchmist is bad, he makes fun of people for no reason, no one even likes him /s :frowning:

More suprised I got the sad face right


inciming 0907oae thread

incoming popular thread
i like how i got nothing right for ‘popular’ except the a


I’ll do it I guess.

Translation: I’ll do it I guess.


I want to keep going, but I have nothing to write, someone send stuff, and yes this is still being typed with my eyes closed.



No different yo touch tupng


Did hell better than expected


oh shut@!, well this tuerned out ot be a great forum game. lets try this hout by typing lol.

wow im garbo


ol sounds .oll
Translation: ok, sounds cool

Im bad xD


I have perfected typing with my eyes shut; I usually type without my eyes on the keyboard. Of course, this is rather easy for me, I don’t know about others.

Yep, just like what I typed ^^