Unable to Play in Large Groups


Hello! I’ve just started running Lost Halls recently, and am rarely able to make it all the way through. Whenever there is a large group of people, I lag out and return to the home screen.

I have master particles turned off and ally shots off as well. I’m not getting FPS lag, and my net jitter and memory are always low, I’m able to walk around normally, but damage taking and ability usage is extremely delayed. For example, I’ll use the Huntress trap, but it won’t actually throw it until 5-8 seconds after I’ve clicked space bar. I will also sometimes be standing at the back of the group and take damage without actually seeing anything hit me. Walls and tiles also sometimes don’t load at the speed of which I’m walking to them. Eventually, I just lag out and get sent back to the main menu.

Now, I am playing in browser, which I know is likely the issue. However, whenever I use the flash player, I get very serious lag of another kind. I get big FPS drops and there is a delay between my in-game actions and my key pressing. There is normally a half second or second long delay between me hitting W and actually moving forwards.

So, I’m kind of looking for an answer to two questions. Is there any way I can reduce the type of lag that I’m getting in the Lost Halls and in other big groups? And if the answer to that is use the flash player, how do I reduce the type of lag that I get when using the projector?

I’m using a MacBook Pro, Mid-2014 model. I have 16GB of memory with a 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 Processor. The browser I use is Chrome version 62, and the flash projector I’ve tried is version 27. I live in Canada and play on primarily USEast servers, if that helps with anything.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I really want to run big Nests and Lost Halls, but simply can’t with the amount of lag I’m getting. Thanks in advance!


Im having the same problem too
i play on a chromebook


When you play in flash projector, do you still make sure that you turn on all the experimental settings as well?


Get a better computer, Often chrome books are more laggy. However flash projectors are the best source to play realm on. Don’t play on the newer versions however, Play on the version somewhere between 11-20


Yes, I do use the experimental settings in flash projector. I just noticed that as soon as I start playing on flash, my memory is already at 700 or 800. That’s pretty high, right?


Try opening your activity monitor and ending processes that take up lots of CPU.


That’s the thing, flash player is the one using most of my CPU. When I run realm in flash it uses 200% of my CPU, and in browser, its over 300%.


Welp there’s the problem. Chromebooks are the worst possible thing to play on


Get a different computer, don’t use chrome, get flash 18. Chromebooks suck and chrome sucks even more.


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