Unbeatable Snake Pit


Been playing this game for +6 years, and this is the first time I’ve seen anything like this (have more screenshots of it if needed, for each individual room). I’ve scoured these measly 6 rooms and there are no more breakable walls. Something must’ve gone wrong when the dungeon generated the spawn room (red circle), that wall generation looks jank. People out here seriously finding snake pits with 5 trooms, meanwhile the game doesn’t even give me the boss. Brilliant. Love it :D.


There’s a thread somewhere that has this same error

What happened here? [Snake Pit Glitch]

That’s likely cause there’s a…I believe it was 2.5% chance for a breakable block in a Snake Pit corridor to be unbreakable (a wall), so this is one of those very, very rare instances where 4 of those generate!

What happened here? [Snake Pit Glitch]

This would translate to a 0.000039063% chance of any snake pit having this, or basically 1 in 2,560,000 snake pits

Great Snakes!


That was theoretically fixed a long time ago, same for cland and another dungeon I can’t remember, but you have to admit its more fun than annoying


Tintin the Adventure reference?



I personnally think that getting this is better than getting UT items. I encountered a similar thing in a fobidden jungle, it was very funny. Think I posted that in the post interesting map features thread.


I don’t think you can say it like that since there are multiple times in one snake pit where this could occur. It wouldn’t quite be 1 in 2,560,000 snake pits and more like 1 in 1 in 2,560,000 snake pit walls.


Is this only with the walls of the starting room, boss room and treasure rooms? I have seen partial walls in all of these spots numerous times, but never with walls in standard rooms.


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