Unexplained NON LAG loading issue / frequent Account in Use


-Windows 10, flash projector/player v 28, live in Missouri and play USMW.

In general, I do not have packet loss nor do I have high ping. However, while in dungeons or in a realm, I frequently will run into the end of my loaded area. By this, I mean that I run into blackness, or unloaded area very frequently. This is interesting because I do not get rubberbanding or disconnects when this happens, all enemies and friendly entities move completely normally when this occurs. I have my flash player accepted by windows firewall as well.

Also, I have been getting Account in Use pretty frequently. It’s pretty annoying, and I just dont understand what the issue is.

Need help!


Do you have heavy applications running in the background, and did this start recently?

Also could you send a screenshot of your options menu?


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