Unnamed WIP Class - JohnMH


So, this is one of the few times I’m actually coming here in the MIDDLE of development to present a class. I figured that since this is a more unusual idea I would do this for you guys.


Unlocked by reaching Level 20 with Sorcerer and Ninja.

Uses wands, tridents, and leather armor.

Classic Skin:
ignore the fact the wand is cut off in the side firing animation


Initial Stats Gain Per Level Average at 20 Base Stat Cap
Hit Points 130 20-30 605 700
Magic Points 100 5-15 290 385
Attack 12 0-2 31 55
Defense 0 0-2 0 25
Speed 10 0-2 29 50
Dexterity 12 0-2 31 55
Vitality 10 0-2 25 40
Wisdom 12 0-2 31 60

Tridents are short range, mid-high damage armor breaking tools that will not pierce targets and will be useful for singular targets. All Tridents use their own sprites as their shots. Current stats are susceptible to change in 1.0.


Basic Trident, Base Tier

A trident made of cheap silver and weak magic.

Damage: 120 - 150
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 14
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 0.75 Seconds
MP Cost: 65


Tidal Trident, Tier 1

Calling to the ocean, this trident is a remnant of former glory.

Damage: 165 - 200
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 14
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 1 Second
MP Cost: 70


Dark Steel Trident, Tier 2

A much sturdier metal applied with considerably stronger magic for more efficient takedowns.

Damage: 200 - 240
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 16
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 1.25 Seconds
MP Cost: 75


Heavy Coral Trident, Tier 3

Crafted by the formidable Thessal for her children coming of age to practice.

Damage: 245 - 290
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 9
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 1.5 Seconds
MP Cost: 80
Fame Bonus: 1%


Black Iron Trident, Tier 4

A most fine creation by the greatest of blacksmiths. Its craftsmanship makes up for its lack of proper magic.

Damage: 285 - 340
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 16
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 1.875 Seconds
On Equip:
+1 Dexterity
MP Cost: 90
Fame Bonus: 2%


Trident of Light, Tier 5

A light in the darkness is all one needs. Raw light emits from its especially unique metal and design.

Damage: 340 - 400
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 18
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 2.25 Seconds
On Equip:
+1 Dexterity
MP Cost: 90
Fame Bonus: 3%


Thundershock Trident, Tier 6

A most shocking discovery, found under the eye of a magnificent and deadly storm by Oryx’s minions.

Damage: 350 - 420
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 18
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 2.65 Seconds
On Equip:
+1 Dexterity
+2 Vitality
+2 Wisdom
MP Cost: 90
Fame Bonus: 4%


Trident of Raw Evil, Tier 7

A wicked and twisted trident, forged on a mountaintop with a “blessing” delivered to it by a pair of demonic followers.

Damage: 375 - 455
Range: 4.2
Shot Speed: 20
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 2.9 Seconds
On Equip:
+2 Dexterity
+4 Vitality
+4 Wisdom
MP Cost: 100
Fame Bonus: 5%


Lumbering Trident

An unbearably heavy weapon that delivers a fatal blow upon each strike. It is such a force that the user must rest a moment before throwing it again.

Damage: 575 - 700
Range: 4.9
Shot Speed: 6
Shots hit multiple targets
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 2.1 Seconds
Dazed for 1 Second
Effect on Self:
Dazed for 1 Second
Slowed for 1 Second
On Equip:
+5 Attack
-2 Dexterity
-3 Speed
MP Cost: 105
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Fame Bonus: 5%
Drops from Stheno the Snake Queen

This trident is simple to understand. It sacrifices some of its Armor Break time for a whole lot of damage, pierce, and a bit more range. It also gives Dazed and Slowed to the user, and has a cooldown, which makes it better for groups rather than singular targets. Its stat bonuses also boost DPS more than even Tier 7, but make the user slower in the process.


Trident of Ancient Bloodlust

It hungers for more and more flesh, never able to be sated…

Shots: 6 (60° Arc)
Damage: 95 (570)
Range: 3.15
Shot Speed: 11
Ignores defense of target
Shot Effect:
Armor Broken for 3.5 Seconds
Effect on Self:
Sick for 2 Seconds
On Equip:
-25 Health
+3 Defense
MP Cost: 120
Fame Bonus: 6%
Drops from Malus

This is sort of like the Staff of Extreme Prejudice of Tridents. It fires in a seemingly un-aimable way with far less range, but delivers a heavy punch if all shots hit, and each shot pierces armor. Its selling point, however, is its 3.5 Second Armor Broken. If you can risk getting very close or on top of an enemy and can risk loss of regeneration, this comes very much in handy. It also may prove helpful to equip this when defense is more helpful than Health.


Trident of Technological Demise

A plasma-charged weapon of mechanized destruction. It is incapable of being thrown, but uses its electricity to harm everything around it.

Releases an AoE from user
Damage: 222
Range: 3.8
Enemy Effect:
Armor Broken for 1.8 Seconds
Slowed for 2.75 Seconds
On Equip:
+5 Wisdom
MP Cost: 85
Fame Bonus: 5%
Cooldown: 1.25 Seconds
Drops from Dr. Terrible

This replaces its shots with an Area of Effect that comes from the user in order to deal damage, Armor Broken, as well as Slowed, the most prominent point of this Trident. It costs less, but requires more of a wait time in order to use it. It also gives a small 5 Wisdom that may come in handy.


Thessal’s Blessing

Ripped straight from the Mermaid Goddess herself. Nothing comes close to compare with the original and most powerful Trident of them all.

Shots: 3 (15° Arc)
Damage: 575 (1725)
Range: 5.7
Shot Speed: 9
Shots hit multiple targets
Ignores defense of target
On Equip:
+3 Speed
+20 Maximum MP
MP Cost: 110
Fame Bonus: 6%
Drops from Hermit God

This Trident is a powerhouse. It does a flat 575 damage over three shots, has 5.7 range, and even hits multiple targets while ignoring defense. However, this all comes with a major price: lack of Armor Broken. It is a pure DPS Trident, which makes it useful when there are already other users of this class or Knights with Ogmur nearby. It also gives a nice Speed bonus and a bit of extra MP.

I highly appreciate whatever criticism that you can give for this class! It is not necessarily the most amazing yet, but I want to make sure that for all of you guys, it can live up to its TRUE potential.

Thank you for reading!

Added: Polls!

What weapon type?

  • Sword
  • Wand
  • Bow
  • Staff
  • Dagger
  • Katana

0 voters

What armor type?

  • Heavy
  • Leather
  • Robe

0 voters


I feel like this has a similar problem that assassin has.

Long ranged weapon, but short ranged ability. It might make for an awkward playstyle.

+1 for the trident of tech demise though. I liked the idea.


That is true, and the weapon is totally not final. I had a big idea for the abilities, and stuck with it, but drew a blank for the rest of the class…

Thanks on the Tech Trident, though! xd


I think you should call it the “Beater”.


Think about the children, Redox.


I am :upside_down_face:

edit: oof no, please forgive moi. Im sorry that was strange.


New class, new idea’s, obviously gonna have to have some rework around the stats and weapons/abilities. But overall, I love it. I’d think this would be a different and another unique class that prefers to split away from the ‘sword’ and ‘bow’ mediocre type of classes.


Bow was one of the ideas I had, but Katana + Robe was another I had, and I went with Wand just for the hell of it and tried it with Leather. Whatever works best I’ll let others decide as a whole, since I’m clearly stumped.


And that is the best thing to do for a game, to go with what the community wants and not what the developers want. If the players aren’t happy with what the developers are making Cough Kabam Cough and not taking the players suggestions (who actually play the game a lot more than the developers) Than what’s the point?


Yeah. It would be a lot more interesting to see what people might suggest for the class anyways, get interaction between both sides. Yknow?


Absolutely agree.


Probably my favorite thing to do, too. It’s how I ended up making my Shogun class. Without people polling, I wouldn’t have made it.


Feedback is amazing, isn’t it? Lmao
Either way, a lot of us are looking forward to this and future ideas; amazing work and creativity.


For convenience, added a poll to the post on what equipment type should be! (On both weapon and armor.)






The lumbering tridets is the St scepter but worse in a way… The armor break would mean ogmur would die. The t0 needs a better description.


Tier 0 is basic and has a basic description, so I don’t think it needs a new one.

Armor Broken from Ogmur is still SUPER useful even with this class, as it pierces and has 4 seconds of Armor Broken over 5 shots, meaning it can hit a lot of enemies for a lot of Armor Broken.

How exactly is it a worse ST Scepter? It’s meant for its pierce, and it’s meant for more precision than spamming, while the ST Scepter is kind of for spamming massive damage.


For the stats, you could probably buff 1. Pretty much all of these stats are average-low compared to all of the classes, and each other class has like 2-3 stats that they are highest/tied for highest in.


St scepter is spam aimlessly across multiple targets with stun on urself. Trident is aim 1 target with same stun duration.