Unoffical RotMG drop rates!


go look on the white bag thread


…I think we’re on different pages here.

don’t you mean higher drop rate? not lower?

Lower drop rate means the percentage of dropping is lower - 3%, for instance
High drop rate would be higher - more likely - 5%, for instance

If the guild has 7 rays, but 2 juggs, then the jugg has a lower drop rate - it drops at a lower frequency. Which is what I’m saying: the ray katana doesn’t have a lower drop rate; it has a higher drop rate than jugg.


Yeah sorry lmao.

It’s been a long couple of days :grimacing:


And how do you make a clone server when you don’t have direct access to the current server and can’t copy-paste all the data from there?


Just search up tutorials on how to make a rotmg private server.


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I think there has been a small misunderstanding: I’m not asking you how you make a private RotMG server, you could probably make one of those with just a good knowledge of Flash and the Oryx sprite pack.

I’m asking you how you make a clone RotMG server, that is to say a private server that is the exact copy of the current official RotMG prod server.

And unless you have permanent direct access to said official server, I don’t see how you could make a clone that’s not outdated, or simply a complete fabrication. Remember: drop rates haven’t been client-side for years. They could change them all overnight and not tell you, and you’d be none the wiser.

Besides, I’m not even sure why all of you idiots are jacking yourselves off so hard to the idea of having the exact drop rates. What would you even do with those?

Almost every item that’s worth a wet fart (that is to say, white bag UTs) only drops from a single boss, so it’s not like you could devise an optimized farming method with them.

And as for Jugg, every player who wants one is going to kill Hermits and Sphinxes regardless of which one has the best drop rate, since having a shot, any shot at Jugg is better than twiddling your thumbs in godlands waiting for the other event to spawn (especially now that Kabam fucked event spawning rules and you can have Sphinxless or Hermitless realms).

The only information that’d be at least relevant would be the exact Hp values for all SB thresholds, and even that’s not very useful. Why would you only deal a predetermined amount of damage when you can just keep shooting the boss and kill it faster?


Statistics! Information! Transparency! Maths!
Does shatter bosses drops T12s at a higher rate than O2?
What’s the chance for a def to drop in Abysses now?
How unlucky am I if I did 200 sprite world and never got an EP?
As for SB values, they can be useful for things such as private shatters so each guildie can have an equal chance at lewt. (Do you remember guilds alting in wine cellars?)


##Welcome to the forum @Troy!

###Have a :cookie:!

Maybe you should go read the rules : as said before, private servers are against the rules (by that, I mean no talking about these is allowed)


If you value your character’s life and/or can’t spend a fuckton of money on the game, you’ll get tops from WC and Ice Cave.

If you have infinite throwaway alts as well as infinite disposable income, you’ll run Shatters all the time.

That sort of player behavior is unlikely to be affected by drop rates.

Either you’re really salty about the Sewers update and the answer is going to be: “way too fucking low!!!”, or you’re not and it’s going to be: “a decent drop rate” or “I don’t care”.

Luckier than the guy who got one first try and died with it 5 seconds later to a screen freeze in godlands.

Only if you run them with a lot of people at once and some of them are using low-damage classes like Priest or Mystic.

Alt-boxing was never possible in Shatters and alt-boxing in general is basically impossible now that you can’t /pause in dungeons.


Pffff Easy


Fairly certain QoT isn’t 1 in 800. I believe it’s around 1 in 1500.


Last i checked [something] stood for [something]! :0 and cbow is like 1:25


That must have been a fun time @Doc

R.I.P Mango Peach


Meh. I don’t want a lot of traffic driven there thanks to enticing topics here.


I got 10 dbows and I have probably not even done 1000 udls


5 dbows and 1000 udls completed right here. you are very lucky my friend


guys, what about spiteful scutum? The white drop by janus


We know for sure the chance is between 0% and 100%.
Any other information is hearsay without evidence.


spiteful scroutum what