Unpopular Opinion on Hackers


I personally don’t find pets to be overpowered, in fact I find them to be a good deal for the price you pay.
A maxed legendary pet is pretty much all you need to enjoy the game in a good way, now, a maxed divine pet might help you in situations like soloing a shatters or duoing it, but it is not necessary to enjoy most aspect of the game.

A maxed legendary pet is actually not very expensive to get, I got mine for less than $120, I basically fame trained and got like 40k fame(Before idlers), and then spent all my gold on the mystery ambrosia box for pet food.

And the fact that pets are permanent is what I like about them, unlike some other MMORPGs, realm is still comparably cheap, although it is heading into the expensive direction.


They are not going to nerf pets. People spent 100s and somethimes thousands of dollars on them, and it would piss everyone off and potentially get people to sue them (in extreme cases). It’s trouble they don’t need.


… where did I say they would? It’s just one of those things some people wish would happen and like to speculate about how it could be done.

Again, never said everyone did, just that some people do.


doesnt seem impossible


We were also basically working on the inverse version of that for pets, where their healing is reduced in combat and increased outside of combat, making everything a bit more tactical. Limiting bullet tanking and incentivizing players to dodge.


Revised my post for a more cohesive discussion.

Ultimately I think that Deca needs to fix the hackers.

I don’t think it’s the community’s responsibility to go and police the game for Deca.

If they can’t fix the duping I’m not going to try and stop the dupers.

If they can’t eliminate hacked clients I don’t think it’s my job to try and report them.

I think it’s a completely different topic when niche hacks pop up that the developers aren’t aware of.

When hacks have been around for a long time and they have made no strong attempts to remove them, that’s on them.

At any rate, the support for pet nerfs always makes me upset.

I know some people buy pets, but for lots of players it’s the long grind that actually keeps them in the game.

Pretty much the only use of fame is feeding your pet.

To take away or devalue the pet grind takes away a huge incentive for players to go out and earn fame.

I also think that the community simply does not know what it wants.

The new LOD, fungal, heroic udl, and heroic abby have all essentially been disasters.

Regarding LOD, the bosses have had a big difficulty spike with no noticeable change in loot. As a result, the dungeon is dead. You just won’t see people completing it. And who can blame them?

Fungal is also suffering from similar issues. Again, another dungeon was created that was too hard for public players to handle. The dungeon is definitely shorter than LOD, but the boss is certainly challenging and lots of high damage dealing instapop mechanics are present. The result is a dead dungeon. Worse, the miner dungeon event slows the completion of realms considerably.

Finally, heroic udl and heroic abby are dungeons that have permanent pet stasis. The dungeons have gone through countless changes, with the most recent rendition featuring only boss fights. Alas, nobody completes them.

Every single metric shows that Deca has been making the game less accessible to newer players.
Every single metric shows that when you increase the difficulty without increasing the loot, the dungeon dies.

Call me crazy, but it’s in the best interest of the game to attract new players. To be brutally honest, older players should matter less in the eyes of developers.

However Deca does not seem to understand this.

To sum it up, their current plan has been to:

  1. Make hard dungeons that have bad loot/effort ratio.
  2. Make the hard dungeon worthwhile with an event.
  3. Repeatedly attempt to nerf melees/pets/etc because people find the game too challenging on their own and seek to group up in discords to make the grind worthwhile.

It’s just a vicious cycle that really benefits nobody.


Aren’t all multiplayer games community-driven? Although it’s not technically the community’s job to stop hacking, it’s certainly a thing you should stop.

Remember when Backpedal said that he didn’t encourage cheating, but also does nothing about it and “benefits” off the duped economy?

Because pets are batshit op?

It’s already devalued when hackers just do a quick /follow and AFK to get as much fame as they need for their pet?

Dungeon was already dead, but at the very least now it’s much more fun for anyone who actually wants a fair challenge.

Endgame dungeon

Expects it to be easy

Dungeon is doable enough if you have any sense of skill.

Nobody completes them because you can’t access it? Big brain.

What type of “new player” waltz into a dungeon with 5 graves on it? Deca hasn’t made the game “less accessible” to newer players, they’ve given more content to players who have already gotten 8/8s and whatnot. Why make lower level content when a very high majority of your playerbase is at the endgame level?

Opinion, but I can get where you’re coming from. Nowadays, there is basically no difference between any “new player” who learned to play this dick easy game, compared to any “old player”.

Most players are at endgame, they should and will make harder content for the majority.

You press wasd and left click while you have your insane pet heal you a solid 70 HP every 1.5 seconds, any dungeon right now is so insanely easy to crush through with 20 players that it’s a joke. If loot was given out so frequently for content that’s so easy to do, everyone would have everything.

People want extra loot, why not.

This basically all goes back to you with comments like “melees are underpowered” or “pets are ok to be broken cuz it’s the only thing left to do with fame”.

Multiplayer game = should play with others. Discord just makes it easier.


If you use cheats you risk getting banned or getting your account stolen. But I’m definitely not going to take my free time that I use to play the game to try and find out who is cheating or emailing Deca support.

Well if you create a new account in the afternoon EST and login to a server like USE2 (my best server) you’ll find that 5 people are inside of the realms.

Currently USWest 2 is the only consistently busy server.

The game just looks dead to anyone trying it out for the first time. Too many people have shifted to these endgame dungeons so the core game looks barren.

The big issue with discord is it exists outside the game and the players using discord are essentially playing a separate game.

While you wait for runs to be organized or help organize a run, your character either exists at the server select window or in a cloth bazaar.

New players would have no idea that you even exist.

Big difference between extra loot and running shatters 500 times with no whites dropping from bosses.

I’m sure if we had metrics you’d see that the number of shatters run routinely is incredibly low.
So this forces Deca to make chest events so people will buy keys.
And this gives rise to the high efficiency practices that upset deca.


Isn’t there like a shatts discord that does runs 24/7 or something


Lol are you kidding me? So you are saying that 20 people can rush any dungeon and a maxed rare pet is OP? Then how is it every time I try to do a public shatters on USW2, even though I have a divine pet, I just can’t f*cking make it past the first bridge because noobs would often run through the middle and drag everything and screw up the entire thing? The only times where I manage to make it through is when there are hackers in the group or if I bring a mystic, or if we get extremely lucky with all tower spawns, pets are not OP and are rather useless when you have 3 ice adepts after you lol. Pets will also not save you from insta pops

As for fames, fame trains are mostly dead right now, and even if you do /follow, fame train discords have a strict policies about /following and you will be banned from the server for doing it.

New players will enter any dungeons they can possibly find, so if someone popped a shatters or ddocks on the beach, they will most likely go in.


Explain to me how having a permanent 750 vitality boost to your character is perfectly balanced in a game with content that is just as possible to be completed with only base vitality (albeit with a lot more skill necessary).

I’d ask for more examples, but, with all due respect, you seem like you’re out to defend your opinion with no intent to change it, whatsoever - as proven by this very statement. Everyone knows pets are OP.


I think in this case, it would simply be a “you’re bad” situation. Anyone with 50 speed can run through the side part of the Shatters and get through to bridge relatively unharmed. How do you have a divine, but be unable to know how to run a Shatters?

New players also like to bandwagon, so more often that not they’ll just follow whoever runs to the side and then promptly nexus because his character is level 4 with 13 speed.

[Edit: I’ve restored your post to the original version as you said you deleted it by accident, apologies if I’ve misunderstood though. -Nevov]


I wonder if you even know what I’m talking about or have you actually done any public USW2 shatters before lol, have you only done the fast food organized shatters raids?

Of course you run side to side, do you think I don’t know that?! I have done over 150 organized runs and probably 300 public ones, the problem is that you aren’t alone in the shatters lmao. In pub shatters, especially the USW2 ones, when a group of noobs f*cks up the spawns at the switches, you literally can’t kill it! You can’t tank 3 ice adepts or an ice sphere or fire bombs with a max divine pet lmao, while I do my best to try to kill the switches and dodge stuff around, other people just end up nexusing, and in the end I’m left alone to deal with a dirty af shatters with messed up spawns and alive switches, not fun and worth doing at all. This isn’t about you being good or bad it’s about “i can’t control or make others listen to me”, 80% of the time this happens within 2 minutes, and legit after doing this kind of shit for over 2 years I finally decided to make a mystic and bring it to public shatters every time.

In rare cases where it succeeds is when you have 3 tower spawns or when you have no blue spawns, still, even in that case people tend to leave a big mess of shit behind when they make it across the bridge, and would often drag a lot of stuff with them as well, one time I had to nexus during bridge because some rogue cloaked and dragged 4 stone mages alone with a few reds across the bridge to the 1st boss just as the titanums got activated, another time I still had to nexus even though the titanums weren’t activated because it was a small group and everyone else on the bridge nexused due to a medium sized drag


It’s already known that pets are op, don’t argue with the dumb guy. Go back to hackers thanks.


omg niegil that’s rude and offensive!!1
on topic time B)


@Godconstru are you making the argument that hacks are necessary to complete Shatters? That’s less an argument in favor of hacks and more an argument in favor of completely overhauling Shatters or removing them from the game.


Chuvlan thank fuck we have you, I’m gonna put my resources into finding hackers!!!

I would rather do this than study thank you so much xoxox


How about we undo your precious beework? Because nest was completely doable before the nerfs.

I mean I don’t know why you just couldn’t deal with it.

You’re always inconsistent.

The problem is exactly the same problem as the nest.

People “could” do it but it just wasn’t worth the time and effort.

Guess how many people would do Halls with no pets? Not many. Again, not worth the time and effort.

The novel petless runs are dangerous and unreliable.

I don’t get where you guys are coming from at all.

You don’t need to do one void. You need to do HUNDREDS of voids to get the loots you want.

How is this so hard to understand?

A dungeon has to be a net gain otherwise it’s a once and done dead dungeon.

You lost all credibility when you cried that people were getting ogmurs from an event chest.

You’re exactly what’s wrong with the game. Players that want rare items to be rare instead of encouraging people to go forth and use their items and actually have fun.

I worked hard on my pet. The amount of grind required to make a pet good more than justifies its power.

Without the pet grind the game boils down to nothing in all honesty.

Once you’ve completed all the dungeons in the game who cares?

The pet is literally the only progression in the entire game.


This is off topic. Take to another thread or cease discussion.


:clown_face: me when I see closet hackers defending their way of playing the game. Its against ToS and even though I dont really care if you do it its still annoying seeing all the discussion about it


haha I get it because it’s funny! :joy: