Unstable Star


Unstable Star

(no sprite yet)

Retrieved from a dead metamorph’s insides, it seems to absorb everything that tries to affect the holder, granting them the immunity of a metamorph. It’s ever changing appearance makes it hard to sustain a sharp edge.


Tier: UT
While Key Held:

  • MP Cost: 20 MP/sec
  • Effect: Neutralized on self

When Key Released:

  • Shots: 3
  • Amplitude: 1.35 tiles (for the 2 outer shots)
  • MP Cost: 110
  • Damage: 300-800 (middle shot)
  • Damage: 100-800 (2 outer shots)
  • Projectile Speed: 14 tiles/second
  • Range: 10

Stat Bonuses: +20 HP, +20 MP, -1 DEF, -1 VIT, -1 SPD, -1 DEX, -1 ATK, -1 WIS
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 800

Note: Disables MP Heal while Key Held. The 2 outer shots work like the Staff of Esben and the middle one works like a normal linear shot towards the cursor. The 2 outer shots converge and disappear where the cursor is when the star is cast while the middle one continues going forward if it hasnt hit any entity.

Loot Bag: image

Drops From:

  • Metamorph

More info

“Neutralized” is a status effect that makes the one affected with it, immune to ALL status effects in the game (except TP’s 1 second Invincibility + Silence + Stun), meaning you can’t get debuffed but you also can’t get buffed while it is active. Using it after being buffed/debuffed will instantly remove the status effects.
Constructive criticism is welcomed.


wheres the sprite?

thats pretty much

what is it


i have no idea what the sprite would be like, thats why i didnt even make one.

how does 110 MP sound?



Isn’t Neutralized just a massive reward to those with a strong pet? Divine pet = perma neutralized + 90 hp/sec which means basic invincbility in exchage for no ability. Instakills generally come with mistakes that come from paralyzed, slow, confused, or pet stasis, which you all just made the person invincible too.


Since it disables MP Heal, you couldn’t keep the neutralized status effect forever, not to mention that people would probably only use those for shorts periods of time since it doesnt let people get buffed either so no healing, berserk, damaging, armored, etc. It would probably be most useful in MBC, Void and Thickets since they tend to overload the player with negative status effects, especially Xolotl and the Void Entity with his minions.


MP heal is not an effect…


It isn’t, but i mentioned it in the “Note” section. Much like the Daybreak Chakram disables MP Heal so you cant keep yourself armored for too long.


Oh I apologize, I did not notice that.


I would love to see this in the game. Would make ninja way more appealing in so many ways, especially in Oryx’s Castle, O1, and Shatters.


Slightly confusing, as “unstable” and “neutral” are somewhat opposites.


True, but it has its reasoning in the description.


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