Unused Dialogue Strings: The Ultimate Collection


Some of you may know that this game has a several lines of unused enemy dialogue and taunts. Quite an alarming amount, in fact. There’s a whole lot of text that was written for various enemies, but for one reason or another, these will never play in game. Some people may be familiar with a portion of these, but I’m willing to bet at least a handful of them will be new to even the most knowledgeable players. I’ll try to provide a reason why they don’t work when applicable, but unless otherwise stated, it was either disabled or it’s a glitch.

#Bonegrind the Butcher

“Oryx’s minions will eat well tonight!”

“More mortals for the minions to feast on!”

“Plump and flesh! Just like I like them!”

“Guards! Bring in another prisoner!”

" Oryx always feeds his minions well!"

“Another glorious day in Oryx’s kitchens!”

“This one can go in the soup!”

These are meant to be alternatives to his “Ahhhh!! Fresh meat for the minions!” line, but for whatever reason, they never play.

#Oryx: Deathmage Presence

“Fools! I still have {COUNT} deathmages protecting me!”

“My {COUNT} deathmages will collect your bones!”

“My final Deathmage will kill you all!”

“My final Deathmage shall exterminate you!”

It seems Oryx has taunts for the Deathmage just like other realm encounters such as the Lich. He isn’t required to close the realm, however, so the dialogue is left unused. Perhaps this is the remnant of an earlier plan to make him required?

#Oryx: Rock Dragon Presence

“My Rock Dragon will end your pathetic existence!”

“Fools, no one can withstand the power of my Rock Dragon!”

“The Rock Dragon will guard his post until the bitter end.”

“The Rock Dragon will never let you enter the Lair of Draconis.”

These lines are meant to be said while the Rock Dragon is alive, just like how other events have constant taunts until death. These ones don’t play, strangely. If I had to guess, I would assume these were initially disabled due to the last line talking about the Lair of Draconis, which wasn’t finished at the time. When the dungeon was eventually released, they forgot to enable the dialogue. That’s just speculation, but I can’t imagine any other reason it wouldn’t play.

#Oryx: Rock Dragon Callout

“{KILLER} knows not what he has done. That lair was guarded for the Realm’s own protection!”

“{KILLER}, you have angered me for the last time!”

“{KILLER} will never survive the trials that lie ahead.”

“A filthy weakling like {KILLER} could never have defeated my Rock Dragon!!!”

"You shall not live to see the next sunrise, {KILLER}!

Oryx does indeed have player callouts for the death of the Rock Dragon, but he never uses them. Instead, he just states one of the neutral lines without any specific accusation. In the case of most other events, those lines are used when a non-player entity strikes the killing blow, such as a pet attack or drake egg.

#Dreadstump the Pirate King

“It is a glorious thing to be a Pirate King!”

Not sure what this was for. Perhaps it was an alternative to his introduction line about drinking rum out of your skull, but the strings classify it with the rest of the mid-battle taunts, so who knows.

#Ent Ancient

“How dare you disturb our grove!”

“The forest shall crush you, {PLAYER}!”

“In this place, the trees fight back!”

“You chop and you burn… you deserve no mercy!”

“The last man-thing I crushed looked just like you, {PLAYER}!”

“You will find no wood for your fires here… only death!”

“You fell ancient trees without remorse; it ends now!”

The Ent Ancient is already pretty talkative, so this was likely an alternate series of dialogue that wasn’t favored. Kind of strange to use a semicolon in speech, isn’t it?

#Ghost King

“I do not fear the corporeal”

“Do you think your weapons can hurt me, {PLAYER}?”

“My kingdom is long dead, but our spirits drag on.”

“Do not defile our memory of this place!”

“My kingdom was burned to ashes… you can do no worse.”

“There was joy here, once.”

“We have grown lonely over the millenia. Join us, {PLAYER}.”

I’ll admit that I was a little uncertain about including these. The Ghost King has a lot of very sporadic dialogue, so it’s possible that some of these are capable of playing. I might remove this part if I can find proof that they can be seen. Also, he spelled “millennia” wrong.

#Oryx: Multiple Grand Sphinxes

“My Grand Sphinxes will bewitch you with their beauty!”

“My {COUNT} Grand Sphinxes protect my Chamber with their lives!”

“Regret your choices, blasphemers! My {COUNT} Grand Sphinxes will teach you respect!”

“You dull-spirited apes! You shall pose no challenge for {COUNT} Grand Sphinxes!”

Here’s where things start to get really interesting. Normally, it’s only possible for minor events like the Skull Shrine to have multiple entities alive at once, but some major events have taunts for having multiple alive in the same realm. These aren’t glitched, either, and would still play in the event that multiple Grand Sphinxes somehow existed at the same time (such as an admin spawn).

#Oryx: Multiple Hermit Gods

“You will make a tasty snack for my Hermit Gods!”

“I will enjoy watching my {COUNT} Hermit Gods fight over your corpse!”

Same case as the Grand Sphinx. It’s impossible to have more than one Hermit God in the same realm, but dialogue exists as if it were possible.

#Oryx: Multiple Lords of the Lost Lands

“Cower before your destroyer! You stand no chance against {COUNT} Lords of the Lost Lands!”

“Your pathetic band of fighters will be crushed under the might feet of my {COUNT} Lords of the Lost Lands!”

“Feel the awesome might of my {COUNT} Lords of the Lost Lands!”

“Together, my {COUNT} Lords of the Lost Lands will squash you like a bug!”

“Do not run! My {COUNT} Lords of the Lost Lands only wish to greet you!”

The Lord of the Lost Lands has a remarkable five strings of dialogue that go unused for the same reason as before. Gotta love the subtlety on that last one. I’m sure we’d all be fooled if that were in the game.

#Oryx: Pentaract Callout

“{KILLER}, you lowly scum! You’ll regret that you ever touched my Pentaract!”

“{KILLER}, you flea-ridden animal! You destroyed my Pentaract!”

“{KILLER}, by destroying my Pentaract you have sealed your own doom!”

The Pentaract is meant to have player callouts, but it always resorts to the neutral death taunt since it’s impossible to detect who killed the final tower. This is because Oryx’s dialogue trigger is linked to the Pentaract entity itself (the invisible center of the event that the quest marker points to), which is impossible to ever damage and thus accuse a player of killing. The only way this would ever work is if the Pentaract still had the Pentaract Tower Ultra and the death sensor was linked to that instead.

#Oryx: Avatar Presence

“Attacking the Avatar of the Forgotten King would be…unwise.”

“Kill the Avatar, and you risk setting free an abomination.”

“Before you enter the Shatters you must defeat the Avatar of the Forgotten King!”

Kabam just couldn’t seem to get this right. Just like with the Rock Dragon, the Avatar is supposed to have taunts for his presence in a realm that never play. Interestingly, these did play at his initial release when the event was way harder. It was only after the revamp that these stopped triggering. Maybe his ID was changed and Oryx doesn’t detect him properly?

#Oryx: Avatar Callout

“{KILLER} has unleashed an evil upon this Realm.”

“{KILLER}, you have awoken the Forgotten King. Enjoy a slow death!”

“{KILLER} will never survive what lies in the depths of the Shatters.”

“Enjoy your little victory while it lasts, {KILLER}!”

Technically this dialogue is used and works just fine, but it’s so exceedingly rare to actually kill the Avatar before he goes invincible that I figured it was worth including for posterity. The Lord of the Lost Lands also has callouts for getting a killing blow, but it’s much easier and more common to achieve. You’d need an enormous group and certainly an Ogmur to even stand a chance. It’s only been accomplished a handful times.

#Oryx: Leprechaun Spawn

“Which one of you disgusting knaves has stolen a bag of gold from my stronghold?!”

This dialogue is intended to play when a Leprechaun spawns. However, he is glitched to always spawn immediately upon a realm’s creation, at which point nobody would be in it yet. The only way you could see this is if you were somehow in a realm on the very first tick.

#Oryx: Zombie Horde Callout

“{KILLER}, I will kill you myself and turn you into the newest member of my Zombie Horde!”

Like the Pentaract, the true “Zombie Horde” is just an invisible spawner, so a specific player can’t be responsible for killing it.

#Oryx the Mad God 1: Death

“You have defeated my simulacrum, but I remain safe in my wine cellar!”

Similar to how O2 has his “You puny mortals” line upon death, O1 is meant to speak as well.

So there we go! This is probably a very boring post for most people, but who knows, maybe someone will find this compilation interesting. It’s also worth noting that there is a lot of infrequent dialogue for situations such as having multiple minor events alive at once. These are relatively rare, but still completely possible, so I didn’t feel that they warranted inclusion. If you want to see those, they can be viewed on the Dialogue section of the RealmEye wiki. Speaking of which, if anybody wants to add these to that page as well, go right ahead.

TIL that even though it's almost impossible to kill an avatar, there's dialogue for it

This was definitely interesting for I.


How did you find these?


Our Lord and Saviour Toastrz probably went through the code and looked for anything that looked like:

if(deathmage == alive)
printf(Oryx the Mad God “Blah blah.”)


So he decompiled it?


Either that, or since he’s a dungeon creator, he may have access to the code.

@Toastrz How did you find this?


Are you kidding me?


Deathmages used to be required for closing the realm, and I know multiple sphinxes could spawn.

I’m still disappointed that there’s no player callout for killing Pentaract; means Oryx will never yell at me for suiciding.

Also, how could you forget these old gems:

With every blow, I grow.

We are impervious to non-mystic attacks!


This was really interesting omfg

And when the Avatar’s bullet sprites were remapped, the ID of Avatar was changed to answer the question of the callout. Because some of the previous Avatar bullets were the Directed Explosion sprite (same as Conducting wand) it was easy to eat stacked shots.


By browsing through all of the text strings in the game. Shop displays, tutorial text, chat notifications and of course enemy dialogue. The lines about multiple Grand Sphinxes first caught my eye, so I looked through the rest of the enemy taunts and found a surprising amount of things that can’t be seen in the game normally. I’d like to see the Rock Dragon and Avatar have their Oryx speeches fixed someday.

Turns out there are even two fame bonuses that I guess WildShadow never enabled, King of the Realm and Traveling Light. King of the Realm is for having the highest fame ever (which is completely redundant if you already have the highest fame ever) and Traveling Light is for not picking up any equipment that can’t be used on your current character (which no legit player would ever get and would only serve to further inflate fame farmers with easily accomplished goals). Probably for the best that those aren’t used. WildShadow wasn’t very good at cleaning up after themselves.

Truly writing from legends.


Joke’s on you, I’ve gotten an avatar callout


I’ll fix this



I think I remember the Ghost king talking about the corporeal, maybe it’s a different line with “corporeal” though




I really liked this. It put some lore out there.[quote=“Toastrz, post:1, topic:7882”]
“My kingdom is long dead, but our spirits drag on.”

This also feels like lore to me.[quote=“Toastrz, post:1, topic:7882”]
“Kill the Avatar, and you risk setting free an abomination.”


please more of this stuff


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