Updated Unlimited Pixie Giveaway Results!


Sprite farming, my man. I am but a simple farmer tending to my sprites.


I entered free itenz plox


free itenz plox


fre itenz plox?


Extra question mark… disqualified

jk ur in! <3


Thanks for entering! Please share this giveaway with everyone!


is this event still alive?


fre itenz plox


Yep! It sure is! To be honest, it just started today.


Thanks for entering! Guildies are always welcome. <3


fri itenz pl0x


fRe iTEnZ PL0x


Fre itenz plox



fre itenz plox


Thanks for entering! Lol your name is JonatanL, and the winner of the last giveaway was Jonathan L. XD


Thanks for entering, and good luck!


Thanks for entering. Good luck!


fre itens plox


… HaI deR I AM PpE fRi iTEnZ PI0xxx


thanks for entering, good luck!