Usage [ Aether Orb, Eastern Waki ]


Usage of Aether Orb and Eastern Waki?

[ Note I don’t actually like using wakis ]


The orb is a highly useful swap-out, with its unique ability to both slow and paralyse. Far more enemies are immune to paralyse, so it lets you stop those that can be stopped, slow those that can’t. E.g. in the Mountain Temple with a number of fast moving, paralyse immune enemies.

The waki you can use as your main ability, as it works like tiered wakis, except shots come from the opposite direction which is easy to get used to. It also has a little more range + expose duration, both beneficial. The boosts are very useful, especially speed for a class that was the slowest, and still isn’t fast. Really no reason not to use it, if you have it.


they’re also wavy and more spread out, which means that you’ll probably hit less of them and do less damage, which is the reason I don’t like using it.


Can’t say I noticed that as a problem - being more spread out means they should hit more things, so more things get exposed. A lot of the time you are not aiming it too precisely, you are using it so the mana your OP pet generates gets used up.


fucking don’t lol

Waki’s suck anyway


Okay, I actually agree but the problem is I have 2 wakis sitting in my vault doing nothing and wakis are terrible.


That is a problem, a problem fixed by the throwing them on the ground and nexusing lmao


Lol no, eastern waki is still a white so fp?


5 options: learn how to use and use; flex for realmeye; filling vault space; feed for pet; drop on floor.

I think it’s much better than t6, tbh. But that’s me. More range; more expose duration; more spread; more total damage; better stat bonus; more fame bonus…
Idk why so much hate on the second best waki in the game (crossing fires is still the best, for me).


Aw, not been able to keep a Sammy alive for your last class quests? :smiley: Seriously, Samurai is damage dealing tank, able to kill most anything before it takes to much damage, and is great fun. But it’s the Waki that makes it interesting to play, not just being some variant on shooting where you are aiming or area effect damage.


I got 4 stars on it, literally just decided to play as recklessly as I could because I disliked the class heavily.

boring and annoying*


lol keep one but feed the rest i got like 5 of these during the cdepts & wlab event and fed like 4 of them


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