Use or Sell My Pixie?


I have a DBlade and a Pixie. Long question short: Should I use Pixie instead of DBlade, or should I just sell it (i have many things on my mind, including maxing my Archer, getting a Soulless for a future Wizard, etc)

If more info is needed, feel free to say so! :]


Pixie is so incredibly strong as a sword that I’d mark it as one of the key features of playing melees. I’d recommend keeping it for general use.


You really can’t compare pixie to dblade. Generally dblade is only useful for chests and a few things that you can sit on. Pixie on the other hand is extremely versatile and very useful in a multitude of situations. It is a great sword to use in general while dblade is highly situational.


Well, I used to buy a FPlate, but I can always buy another Pixie, I guess. Thanks for your inputs!

Least I now know that Pixie is worth it :]


Can someone please tell me why they did that weird Paladin ST set rework thing?

  1. Cripple RWT sites
  2. Make more money by selling a BUFFED Paladin ST set, which is soulbound!


I see. Is the Ring of Decades just a plot to catch dupers?


Can’t sell RWT items if everything is worthless points to head


They just changed the set bonus and stats on the seal and ring. The orig set is still unsoulbound just no set bonuses, so the legacy set will still be duped and sold.
Edit- Thought they changed the seal but that is only on the new version


Yeah imo Pixie’s one of the single most versatile items in the game, one of the best glands farming weapons, and excellent regardless of the situation. If you get an ASS, you can reliably use just those two swords for just about every situation (ASS covers pixie’s main weaknesses, which are enemies that are dangerous/big shotguns, and enemies that have high def)


For real, for real.


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