Useful Macros for RotMG


btw not sure why you guys are looking for an ahk version of the ignore macro when the one posted by unicorn comes with a perfectly good one?

Some pretty useful macros I used:

InputBox, tptarget, Teleport target, Anchor name:

Blockinput, on
Sendinput {enter}/teleport %tptarget%{enter}
Blockinput, off

Ralt sets the anchor’s name while Lctrl teleports you, useful if you really like rushing and is as fast as nexusing (1 keypress instead of 2 if you just type /teleport anchorname in the chat box)

InputBox, TMSG, Trading Message, Trading Message:

auto = On
SplashTextOn, , , Auto Spammer is %auto%
Sleep 750
SendInput {Enter}%TMSG%{Enter}
Sleep 2000
If auto = Off
SendInput {Enter}%TMSG%.{Enter}
Sleep 2000
If auto = Off

auto = Off
SplashTextOn, , , Auto Spammer is %auto%
Sleep 750

pretty useful for trading in usw2; f10 to set the trading message, f11 to spam it every 2secs and f12 to stop


AHK… Version…

You do realize that Realmscript are composed of AHK scripts, right? It’s not Python or C++, etc.

I’m a programmer. I shared three useful binds, and I was requested to write a fourth. We’ve thus made the ignore macro very efficient. I didn’t make this post to just share old macros and stay stagnant in ideas.


Just realized my auto ability code broke under a certain situation, so I’ve updated the code to work universally.


Yes, you must have misunderstood my question:

And there is a perfectly serviceable one in the link provided by unicorn…

; ignores the person that shows up when you press tab (last person that /tell you)
clipboard := "/ignore "
Blockinput, on
Send {tab}{home}^+{Right}^v{enter}
Blockinput, off

I was not trying to belittle your expertise mr. programmer, just pointing out that there was already something similar if you bothered to look at work done by people “less” skilled than you


If you pay attention to the chronological order of the replies, you would see that it was requested BEFORE Unicorn shared those links.

I am so fucking sorry that I’m not a time traveler.

Your attitude is representative of male reproductive organs.



This is all cool…but I’m not sure why the ability ones aren’t just tied to spacebar. I guess you do have the toggle, I remember making my own ability AHK scripts to mindlessly keep warrior and pally buffed. It was a simple script that would press spacebar in chat if you were typing to someone within the 5 second cool down time - no fancy Capslock toggle.


Toggles are to prevent the script from messing with the user’s computer outside of gameplay, and allows for quick enabling and disabling of functionality.

For example:
You’re fighting the Void Entity as a warrior, and want to turn off the constant speedy during the twelve shotgun phase, and then want to turn it back on for dps against the boss. The toggle provides a fast, and safe in game method, so that you never have to take focus away from the window.


Yeah bro makes sense - otherwise you just kinda bite the speedy and swallow it whole during the shotguns; then get your dps. :slight_smile:


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