UT Spell idea: Alien spell: Fortification


Alien spell: Fortification

Sprite version №1: pixil-frame-0%20(4)

Sprite version №2: pixil-frame-0%20(3)

Strange alien device that can be magically activated to generate a barrier which enemies can’t shoot through.


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 110
  • Duration: 1
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Range: wherever you can manage to place your cursor
  • Effect: Generates a 1 solid tile on the cursor that you’re able to walk and shoot though, but enemies aren’t able to shoot/walk through.
  • Stat Bonus: +5 vit.
  • Fame Bonus: 5% or 6%
  • Feed Power: 900

I have no idea how to sprite a tile, but i think it’ll look like the ice tiles in The Inner Sanctum, but yellow.

edit: i just realized how overpowered it is, changed duration from 3 sec to 1 sec and cooldown from 4.5 sec to 3 sec, also removed the +3 dex and att, this shit’s really hard to imagine in action and what effects it’s gonna have on all the different bossfights, comment your thoughts on this spell in the comments.


Sounds pretty strong mainly for the use in lost halls, I cant see this being viable in any situation besides lh. As a general wizard main, whose going to take one for the team and sacrifice their sb damage for the sake of the team? You already got people playing as priest, whose going to play as a fortification wizard? Overall it wouldn’t be a bad item to print out but its popularity will cease to exist.


Deca nerfed reworked sb damage a long time ago. you can get sb with a t5 staff on a 0/8, so sacrificing spellbombs ins’t a big deal


I had no idea deca reworked sb damage. I guess I reevaluate my opinion.


I think a nerf to this item would remove the ability for you to move through or shoot through the obstacle. Basically makes it a shield you can hide behind. While this may lower your dps, it greatly increases survivability in things like LH. Imagine several wizards with this spell, “creating a wall”. Feels like it would be fun to use, but not sure how to balance it entirely.


Several wizards creating a wall is what i wanted not to be possible with this item, and making it not passable through by players will just cause hella trolling.


What if you could pass through but not shoot through, sort of like an air shield


I would say have a slightly more limited range just so you can’t place it directly on top of a boss and clear all projectiles, overall a very interesting concept. It rewards strategic play, and adds a very different aspect to the wizard without seeming too out of place.


Having limited range won’t make you unable to run up to the boss and do the same, just have it do the BZZ sound that lets you know that you can’t cast the ability when the wall is attempted to be placed on top of an enemy.


It should still have limited range. I understand that you plan to stop it from being able to be placed on top of an enemey but placing a tile right next to a boss will still block a lot of the shots. For example, placing one right next to an avatar will create a hole in his shots that will make it easy for everyone else to get damage in. I’m for adding in both limited range and making it so it blocks shots from both but not movement while extending its duration and cooldown.


Isn’t that the point of the spell?

I’m concerned about how this will affect boss movement (“bagging” king, blocking void entity from moving, etc.)


Reminds me of an old topic I made about an Orb that can make a wall…TBH I don’t think that went well xD


If that’s the point of the spell, the spell is too strong. I see it as something that can create a small piece of cover in a small area, not as something that can more or less block all the shots covering a massive area.


First of all I think the spell should give armored or invul instead of the barrier thing because the barrier is too op against spammy bosses.


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