UT Trading System


(I posted the same exact text on Reddit, find it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RotMG/comments/ggcwpi/ut_trading_system/)

So I am just an old player who really wants the game to experience UT trading once again, thought of a neat little workaround to counter the whole duping scare as to why they were changed from UnTiered to UnTradeable… hopefully this can reverse that?

What if UTs were given value? You cannot give them away, you cannot be given them for free, you can only trade them for other UTs of the same value, they would have value points basically I guess.
So you cannot trade an Ogmur for a Doom Bow for example, you can only trade an Ogmur for a Jugg (and other UTs with same “value points”) since I would say those have the same amount of rarity value and hype of course…

And if you wanted to trade a Doom Bow, the only items you can trade that for would be Coral Bow, Conducting Wand, etc

Then you got the end-game items, like Void Bow, which would only be able to be traded for items like Colossus Sword, and other items of those sets included.

Crown, Bracer, Gemstone, can only be traded for Pyra, Sphinx, Nile, and whatever other rings matching their skill (even though shatter whites are way lower drop rate, I would say they are around the same advantage level in terms of stats)

So hopefully you guys see what I am trying to get across by this, in order to trade an UT, it can only be if you are receiving another UT of same value in return, and this goes for the amount of UTs you are trading as well, so 2 ogmurs cannot be traded for 1 jugg, the other person would have to select the same amount of UTs matching the same amount of value points the first trader has selected.

Basically the trading system would just need to check if an UT is selected, and if so, to not let the trade be accepted unless both sides have matched the same amount of Value Points.

This also removes the whole selling part of it as well, it would strictly be trading, obviously that is self explanatory if you read any of what I wrote above, you will not be able to sell jugg for 5 speed :wink:

So, if dupers did want to use UTs in their trading related dupe methods, they would have to sacrifice UTs of the same value (at least I think so, right? maybe I am just sleep deprived, I guess this doesn’t entirely defeat the issue as the items would still be getting duplicated, but at least now they would have to cough up items of the same value in order to even do it)…



Ditto to what @Demonseye said. There’s plans to introduce such a system, although I assume they were postponed because O3 and Bard is being worked on, along with IC/OoC system.


Yeah someone pointed that out on the reddit as well, it was my first post on reddit and I don’t really browse reddit (only reason I made the reddit account was to enter a giveaway about a month ago, and besides that to read game events news etc), but I like the idea of a Value Point system where if an UT is selected in a trade, the trade can only be completed if both sides match value points… but then again I guess their idea kind of combats the whole duping UTs entirely, since my idea would still allow them to dupe UTs they would just have to sacrifice other UTs of same value on the other end of the trade lol.


Shatts =/=tomb rings because
S> Sphinx


Yeah they just have similar stat advantages, the tomb rings and shatter rings, even though their rarities are entirely different.


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