UT Wakizashi


Alright so this is a weeb inspired item and similar to probably some posted before so not entirely a new concept.

Asura Wakizashi

“An ancient mysterious blade that enables the user to jump through shadows”


  • Tier: UT Wakizashi
  • MP Cost: 140 MP
  • Teleports to cursor on ability use
  • Teleport range: 18 tiles
    Fires 2 Shots
  • Cooldown: 3 Seconds
  • Shots: 2
  • Damage: 800-1100 (950)
    Total Damage: 1600-2200 (1900) + 300 Lasting Damage
  • Range:
    Cast Range: 2.5 Tiles (from player)
    True Range: 3.5 Tiles (intersection)
    Projectile range: 2 Tiles
    1 Shot at 45°
    1 Shot at -45°
  • Effect:
    Stunned: 1.0 Seconds
    Dazed: 2.5 Seconds
    Wounded: 3 Seconds
    (Lasting Damage: 300 over 3 seconds)
  • Special properties:
    Piercing Shots hit multiple targets
    Passes cover Shots pass through obstacles
  • Stat Bonus:
    +6 ATT
    +2 SPD
    -4 DEF
  • XP Bonus: 6%
  • Feed Power: 1,100

Drops From:

  • ???
    Realm event item

Ability Mock Up:

I’m not good at making gifs so I hope this makes sense.

Idea Explanation/Theory:

Teleport is a very fun ability to use. The waki slash would work similar to a knight shield where you would have to get very close to the enemy and the shot would cast 2.5 tiles from you intersecting at around 3.5 tiles (dealing true damage). The enemy would be stunned for half a second, dazed for one second, while taking the wounding damage for 3 seconds. There will be a 3 second cooldown to avoid ability spam. The ability will cause the player to miss out on the damage possibly though due to teleporting behind or away from the target and distancing themselves. Teleporting too close could put you in damage range due to the short stun.
Overall it’s more of a support and movement ability; allowing an opening for knights to jump in on early to mid game bosses, but also having some use in end game with damage and wound mechanic.

I guess it is essentially the sheath ability when samurai was in testing.

Solutions to useless items



Wow I forgot that was a thing already… :cold_sweat:

Should I delete this?


I don’t think so! To me, the sheath was (besides being somewhat unintuitive) pretty unusable, since it only dealt damage in the direction you teleported. I can’t imagine willingly teleporting TOWARDS the sorts of endgame bosses we have today, at close range, only to inflict a bit of damage. It didn’t make sense to me.

This however is the opposite and I really like it! It might be slightly overpowered (teleportation in general is very strong, so maybe a range limit - a bit like the original sheaths, and rather like the cast limit of the current waki - would balance it a bit?) I also think the ‘wounded’ effect is superfluous.

But I really like the learning curve of this ability - feels very genuinely UT! C:


I realize the common criticism is the range of the slashes is too short, I also agree that TP should be limited. But you go the idea right where you have to charge the enemy and go through.
I would consider this just a general swap out UT.
The wounded is purely aesthetic I like the “bleeding” effect from it haha.
Thank you again Puffa!


No worries! C:


I feel like the cooldown is too long to make good use of it. I would probably reduce the cooldown to 1-2 seconds, but tone down the other stuff. It’s a nice concept, though! I would like something like the Sheath to be brought to prod.


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