UT Weekend! GOOD or BAD for the game?!


so basically, ur encouraging duping???


I would like to ask though, which of these two groups are in the most danger of leaving the game? In its current state I mean. I would argue for the first variety, these are people who dislike dull moments, moments in video games that don’t promote moving forward whether it be with plot, dungeons, or what have you. And those are the type of people, that I now see sitting in P-train all day, just collecting fame, biding their time until the new distraction comes along. I feel like unSb will add more of a team aspect to this game (as it’s supposed to be a game for team play before anything else I feel) because people will farm a dungeon for their friend, with their friend in toe, so that they can get the item he needs so that they can do another harder dungeon (or if it’s one day implemented, raids). WoW has managed to survive many years on that basis alone, on the basis that your team will always be there to help you should you lose everything, now it is only limited by SB.

We had it first, the game was built upon it. It’s as simple as that, it’s supposed to be in the game. It’s not like UTs have been soulbounded since the beginning, and the people who want it gone are some group of upstarts that want to destroy the balance of the game, nor do I think Deca cares enough about ‘the economy’ to factor that into the final decision. It’s a harsh reality that the second group of players, are less likely to say ‘grats’ when someone else gets a white bag, and instead starts comparing how much better they are to that player, and how they worked harder for it. UnSb will essentially get rid of that attitude imo.


It means ?


I’ve defended both sides of the argument multiple times. To be honest I’m just tired of this whole discussion.

But I think there is at least one argument that will always be valid, no matter where you stand on this: no half-measures.

Either Deca keeps UTs soulbound and makes it work, or they unsoulbind them all forever.

UT weekends are just pandering to keep the children quiet when there’s no other shiny thing to dangle in front of them to grab their attention. It’s purely a PR move, not a game design one. What’s worse, afterwards they’ll only feel entitled to have more.


I think I agree with you on the answer of this question, players of the first group are more likely to leave the game as it is now.

Sure, in the beginning UTs were not soulbounded, but the game changed a lot over the years. So much so that now many would argue soulbounded UTs are a core part of what this game is. Simply catering to one of the two groups and leaving the other behind will make you lose players.

I say all that as someone who would like to have unsoulbounded UTs in the game. But what I’d like to happen and what is better for the game are probably two different things.


This kinda sums it up. The game is currently stuck in between two worlds, with the über low UT drop rates from a time when trading was a normal part of the way players acquired UTs.

Sb/unsb is something that Deca should lead from the front with, by which I mean a “braintrust” at Deca needs to decide what their principles are going to be for the game, including sb/unsb, and then work to make their game fit their vision… and communicate it to us of course.

UT weekend(s) being a bad thing because it does nothing to address the underlying ongoing problems with the current situation of low drop rate+sb combo. I want players to have better access to UTs, but not by the randomness of who happens to have been lucky to be online on a certain weekend of the year.



You currently have it like this:

[details=Summary]RWT, Being Scammed of your Precious UT, Bugs[…]because DECA’s excuse of a server can’t handle that many people in the trading servers, etc.

You need it like this:

(a blank line)
[details=Summary] (you can replace the word Summary with whatever you like)
(a blank line)
RWT, Being Scammed of your Precious UT, Bugs[…]because DECA’s excuse of a server can’t handle that many people in the trading servers, etc.
(a blank line)
(a blank line)

Some Art From The Heart

Just hover over it and you see that it means Real World Trading, or trading in-game items for money.


I wonder, though. If they’re so keen on keeping soulbound, why not just add a market place, where you can buy items for other items and due to this middleman, you still keep soulbound?



deca pls


go cry me a river, no one cares.

I choose to look at the situation this way:
it’s not happening, give up now. if this is something you cannot accept, go play another game. if for some bizarre reason you’ve invested more money into the game than you’re willing to part with than you must not be as opposed to sb UT’s as you claim to be

sb UT’s persuade more people to buy more keys so they can run more dungeons to get more of their precious UT’s. they also encourage players to spend more on their pet so they can run the dungeons faster to get the UT’s that they want. it also encourages players to put buy more vault chests because the UT’s cannot be put on mule accounts. all of this means more and more money for DECA, they would be fools to pass that up.


But it also persuades less people to view this as a team game. People won’t run dungeons because they wanna get something for their friend, they do it for selfish reasons.

It’s just like when people no longer say grats, or when they do it’s more out of annoyance that they didn’t get a white.


Or Dupers will get a brain and use mules


I disagree, not all white stars are that way.


please stop


Here’s my issue with this.

Why the hell are UT items soulbound whilst STs aren’t? STs are UTs. It gets even more confusing when you factor in that some ST items are soulbound, while others are not? (Rogue set vs new dragon warrior set).

The argument that UTs have been duped to hell and are sitting on tons of mules is invalid because STs have also been duped to hell, but no one gives a shit and they continue to be unsoulbound.

I would like to either see:

a) All UT items become unsoulbound


b) A yearly “UT Weekend” event during which UTs are unsb for 72 hours.


I think we should have it. Dupers can get rich anyway they want as it is. If you have UT’s on other accounts you should be able to move them to the account that you desire. I also think it will give a reason for some of the older players to get on and have some fun. After all that is what the game is about.


Sounds fun. Can’t wait to see lightblues running around with juggs saying “ppe btw”


with 8 extras in their vaults!


Doesn’t bother me.


I think it’s unfair for new players.
Plus if someone gets Ogmur or Jugg. WHO WOULD EVER SELL THAT.