Valentine's Day Events - Draining Love [Feb 14th to Mar 1st]


I went into an Abyss saw no succumbus? does it spawn after boss?


Check the event dates/times ā€” Succubi donā€™t appear in Abysses until tomorrow.




Oh god I just found a succubus in the realm its so ugly and not what I though it would be gross


Did you expect DECA to get a sprite of a demon in a bikini or something


Well I mean a succubus is a fucking succubus, not a fucking red demon inflicted with the gay




Are love letters tradeable or just the hearts?

And whatā€™s the market value, I have some life that I can get rid of and I NEED ME A QOT


I seem to recall stacks of 10 hearts going for about a life each last year, but idk about now.


how long will the event go for?

the total set is 200 letters, and at a max of 20 letters per day surely the event would go for at least 10 days its possible to get the whole set, right?

I would have thought in the ballpark of 15 days to allow some slack, but does anyone know?


I would guess about this long
(Times messed up, check original post for fancy thing)


Plus potentially a few extra days to hand in leftover hearts/letters.


Posting a day late, for actual Valentineā€™s day. But hereā€™s the event graphic from the main menu:


Appropriately themed with garish tones of pink and red that only 14th of February can summon. :rofl:

OUCH what the hell is that dungeon Succubus hit sound effect?? Painful.


yea ik i overpayed.

But probably gonna spam this. I can seem to buy them 2L:10.

should i get the quiver? that is 400 hearts, which is like 80life. thatā€™s a lot of life for something that is pretty useless imo.

rip just noticed they added it to the realmeye trading section. surprised


the new keys do it too


You can direct your thanks towards Unicorn for pmā€™ing mr. Eyeball when no one else would apparently and mr. Eyeball for doing mr. Eyeball things


The same one used in the PT session of December '18, where they added the first version of a demon-like enemy spawning in the dungeon to assist the boss.
Looking in the XML shows that itā€™s the intended sound for the T1 Dirk.




