Vault Chest bugged - Don't buy Vault Chests!


“the fixening” but coming with more bug lol. i’m still waiting for pet fix :anguished:


How the fuck do you “accidentally” make vault prices more expensive. Like really.

…potential accidental addition to game?


Also how tf do u make it so that only maxed divine pets arent affected by the pet bug???

if(pet.level == petlevels.maxed && pet.rarity == petrarities.divine) {
    special handling...


I think pets are grouped into a single class. It probably has to do something with the levels, since 100/X/X were not affected.


A possible way that all pets except level 100 are bugged is:

If they have some kind of maths to calculate how often to give a heal, with a MaxRate hardwritten into the code for level 100 and a MinRate hardwritten in for level 1.

Then for all pet levels 2-99, the game might be trying to calculate a heal rate for our pets, based on some balance between MaxRate and MinRate, ie. A x MaxRate + B x MinRate.

If an error/bug is affecting this calculation, it could be coming up with something that Rotmg can’t interpret, so it defaults to granting us only a level 1 heal rate.

Then because Level 100 is based purely on the hardwritten MaxRate, maybe Rotmg doesn’t need to do a calculation, but just looks directly at the MaxRate number, thus level 100 pets would not be affected by whatever is going wrong.

Just one possible explanation, and I’m surely far simplifying things in this idea than what the game is actually doing.

PT: Vital Combat & Exaltations

Sounds like a decent idea.

Keeping in might i have no knowledge of flash programming.

Seeing as how haphazardly the sprite sheets are organised, would it not be unreasonable to assume that the code is laid out similarly. With this mentality we can see that obviously assume DECA has been playing with files which likely contain constants related to calculating this data:


This theory fits within the idea of spaghetti code, however not in the description of “The code is written terribly”, more the idea that the program is badly organised between files.


You threw me for a moment! I was just looking at that exact same graph on another tab, to help me reply to this thread about pets.

Each time I look at that scale on the left side, I can’t help remembering that the majority of the game was designed for max vits of (what is now) 40! Crazy.


I take a coding class, and that could be a reason why only levels 2-99 are affected.


I think the error would be during the calculation of the values of A and B. I think that 100/100/100 divine pets are not affected because A and B are fixed constants for them. If this is true, and assuming the game calculates based on what you assumed they did, the devs would have scaled every pet level from 100/100/100, meaning that 100/100/100 pets were created first and every other level would have been created based on this.


This is all speculation but I think you went a bit too far with the assumptions of 100 pets being created “first”.

What I think Nevov was trying to get at (I have zero coding experience for the record) was not that 100 pets were the baseline, but a combination of level 1 and level 100 pet values.

Which would make sense; level 1 pets heal every 4 seconds and level 100 pets heal every second. If the MinRates/MaxRates that Nevov was talking about was the baseline, you can’t say that it’s purely dependent on the 100 heal rate.

For level 1, (where MinRate = 4 // MaxRate = 1):

MinRate*1 + MaxRate*0 = 4 second interval

For level 100:

MinRate*0 + MaxRate*1 = 1 second interval

But for levels in between, maybe the MaxRate multiplier got screwed up. How the math works [for the multiplier changes per-level] out to form an exponential function, I have no idea, but again, speculation :wink:

Edit: Actually I’m kinda interested, gonna fool around on Excel kek.


I would think that min rate and max rate would be fixed constants and A/B would be manipulated based on the pet levels.

Simply call a method petHealing(x); with a parameter of x or something. This var x would be the pet level. Under the method petHealing, you can get values for A and B using some random calculations. Then call a function that calculates the entire healing using A, B as parameters.

My terminology is probably wrong, but hey, I’m bad at coding.

I also did overanalyze everything.


Oh hey, I remember another thing that OB told me a while ago:


So I think the interval between heals vs. pet level isn’t linear, and it works with heal values to make that exponential curve. Because it’s not linear, this tells us that the calculations are more complex than a simple constant n’ multiplier, and maybe that’s where things got screwed up?

I have no idea.

Edit: Just realized that the “exponential” graph was of vit and pet level, not the actual heal values. REEEE. Also I lied, interval between heals for level 1 is 10 seconds.

Edit2: Nvm, hp/s is also exponential. I made a graph of delay vs. pet level below:

It looks like delay gets changed on intervals, for example, level 1-5 seems to be linear, and level 85-90 has no change (as OB said). Quirky.


When I get bored enough I’ll fit those values to some polynomial, just to see what comes out of it.

Psst, @Unicornsla, don’t tell anyone, but I use WolframAlpha’s Mathematica.


The day I become competent enough to do fancy maths all on my own is the day I will become rich, have 14 8/8’s and 20k fame. Oh and a maxed divine :wink:

Psst, @Werbenja OB does too, and got mad at me once when I joking called him out for it xD. I use it too all the time to cheat on assignments :slight_smile:

Edit: @CandyShi

Then he hijacked my post :C


psst @UnicornSla can I see that thread/post

Also I thought this thread was about the Valut bug not the pet bug?


Are you kidding me, working on? Eh, progress is progress I guess, ran out of bananas to feed the monkies that they happen to call coders :sweat_smile:


Aren’t we all?!


well some people are happy without that


Not me :smiley: