----- Villoux’s Official Realm of the Mad God Guild-----


----- Villoux’s Official Realm of the Mad God Guild-----

We are pleased to announce that Villoux is starting our very own Guild on the Realm of the Mad God.

Villoux is looking for players, either new or veteran, to start a semi-formal raid/key team. Casual players are more then welcome to join also. The only requirement to join our guild is to be a member of our Discord server. Our main server right now is US West 2 but could change depending on whats everyone’s favorite server is.

Villoux offers locked channels to those who have already have a guild that is looking for a place for their guild to call home. We will also continue to host public dungeon runs for players who are not a member of the Villoux Guild.

Perks of joining:

  • nice environment for new players
  • we host key runs
  • we host guild only key runs
  • gearing alts.
  • fast leveling

Contact Fulfi in our Realm of the Mad God department for quick invite.

Link to Villoux’s Discord Server: https://discordapp.com/invite/PtTwdXF

Link to Villoux’s RealmEye : https://www.realmeye.com/guild/Villoux

The Villoux Server System also offers other games in addition to Realm of the Mad God, such as League of Legends, Counter Strike, Minecraft. Join us on Discord for a community of great people with awesome servers, tournaments, and guilds!


I’d recommend any server other than USW2, just because that is the trading server and is usually insanely laggy. Good luck on your guild!


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