Vitality potions


In my opinion this seems to be more of an issue with the Vitality stat’s function than a problem with the supply of Vitality potions. Spd and Dex are generally agreed upon as being mandatory for endgame dungeons and players will happily run 30 snake pits or sprite worlds, ‘baby’ low lvl dungeons, to max. This is because of the visceral feeling Spd and Dex as stats give. Running quicker and shooting faster are noticeable. In Vitality’s case, quicker health regen is not noticeable in the least. It’s not that the stat is doing nothing, it’s just doing something we take for granted due to pets and as such it’s a really bad feeling stat.

I propose a change for this. The problem? Vit is meaningless as a stat as it has no noticeable effects. The solution? A regenerating vit-shield! This shield would buff your max hp temporarily with “golden heart” style health, that is you may lose the health but you won’t gain it back unless you reapply the shield. How do you apply the shield? By standing still for 5~ seconds! This suddenly creates an interesting mechanic where players are encouraged to find opportune moments to apply their shield in the midst of combat, thus giving the Vit stat a very noticeable impact on our gameplay and as such giving importance to the stat so we run abysses again and max it like good boys and girls. The shield could be applied even if you’re at low health so players with bad pets especially would benefit as they can apply the shield and safely regen health without chip damage negating their health regen. The amount of health the shield would block would scale up with your amount of vit. This’d also slightly redefine equipment meta, as vitality increasing equipment suddenly has a very noticeable boon to it. There’s even room for fancy visual vfx!

All in all I think this is an extremely interesting vitmod style idea that is a lot more interactive than others. I hope my idea can spur interesting discussion and excitement, as that’s why I like to participate in forums.


I love you brother. You get my point.


I take that back.


maybe you should read the entire comment before you respond



I have a few questions and opinions about this, but maybe it would be best to create a separate thread for your idea


late reply, but there’s a politics thread? where can I find this?


Somewhere about here-ish: Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


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