Wait. Where's my reward?


I got mine

got garments btw


Why post on forums??? You should have changed topic to bugs and known issues and/or sent a support ticket in to deca.



That warlord wand… I must’ve ground 150+ katulands and all I got was 1 cutlass lol lucky


I’ve got 5 of them… i want tshot. lol


Oh yeah also popped a cache and got a T-shirt xD
EDIT: tshot… autocorrect is a bitch


smh i got stuck with cut and wand when i grinded a ton for bow


Anyone else suspicious about this guy?


The one who made the topic?


Hmm? Wydm.


Yes because he got 23 stars in 17 days and his characters and graveyards are hidden


WOW really? I soloed around 4 or 5 Katalunds and got the wand AND the sword. Guess I’m lucky.


It is extremely easy to get stars now, it always has been. Grinding characters in Lost Halls (w/ Boots + Mundane + Thirsty + Accuracy) could easily get white star in less than a week.


Yeah, you’d only have to get about 600-700 fame each ( super simple even without lh) if you threw 6-8 hours a day at a new account you could feesibly get white it a week.


I am still learning lh and shatters tbh but that’s where Im whiting


But yeah, on the original topic, mine went straight to my gift chest. You might wanna check there if you havn’t yet.


I could probrably get yellow star if I dedicatedly fame trained but well idgaf about stars honestly


Oh lol I’m an alt made for a bet to get red star and a rare pet in 2 weeks.


You guys really shifted the topic. Anyways are you sure you did the TINKERER quest?


But why are your characters hidden? :thinking: