Wakizashi of Looming Shadows


No sprite at the time being

Damage: 500-600
Exposed Duration: 4s
When Key Held: Invisible and Stunned, drains 25 mp per second for a maximum of 5 seconds.
When Key is Released: Dash forward 3 blocks, does what a sheath does. Costs 80 mana.
Cooldown: 2.5 seconds
Stat Bonuses: +25 MP, +3 ATK

Drops from: Totalia the Unvanquished
(I’m making a dungeon idea with the sprite I won the art contest with <3)

This wakizashi is incredibly similar to the sheath, that being it teleports ahead a few blocks and deals damage.
What sets it apart is that it gives invisible and stunned for a key held duration, which gives it some rushing potential, however, being invisible during this time will come at the cost of the ability to attack.

I mainly made this idea to incorporate both the sheath and the waki for the samurai class, as well as give a few tweaks to make the risk v reward ratio of using it not so outrageous.

Any thoughts? <3


Samurai would become the new rushing class


While it might be useful for rushing some dungeons, this waki is useless for some dungeons, like the puppet master’s theatre or mad labs. The mp cost is relatively high as well.


True. LH would be ez


What does a sheath do?


From PT, the rejected ability


I haven’t ever been in a testing server…


125mp for invisible and stuned?


It still exists in the unused items section of the wiki, check there


It’s not exactly meant to be used for rushing, the invisible + stunned is to help with the risk v reward ratio.
It’s meant to be high so that it won’t be used to permacloak.


uwu its a sheath


that’s the point c:


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