Wall of Blank Space


So in another thread, people were just making blank posts. Here’s a thread specifically for that purpose!
(other than this post, every post should be completely blank)

I’ll start!





Hi, there. How exactly do you play this game? Can I just continue with this white font? Would it be breaking the rules? More importantly, will anyone here notice? If you’re reading this right now, you probably know that I’m breaking the game rules because I am actually typing stuff here instead of making a blank post like you’re supposed to. Only the most adventurous or bored people would dare highlight the page, which means only the most adventurous or bored people are able to see this post. Or maybe you’re neither. Whatever the case, let’s have a little talk, shall we? A very private conversation between you and me. My name is Gamma and I’m a very lonely soul, thus actually having the ridiculous idea of doing this very strange thing. People that are not aware of this hidden text are probably very confused as to why this post is unusually long. Maybe that will make them suspicious? Perhaps as far as to make them highlight this and end up finding out the truth for themselves? Maybe. I’m not exactly sure. And it doesn’t really matter, either. What really matters is that you’re spending your time on this text wall. Why? Did you know that your life is shockingly super short? Open up another tab and search up “Life in Weeks” and go to Images. You’ll discover that there are way fewer weeks in a 90-year life than you probably thought. It’s pretty scary. You’ve probably heard of sayings and quotes like “YOLO” and “Live to the fullest” – they’re very common. But no matter how many times people stress it, we often ignore it…Because it’s not our turn yet. It’s not our turn to feel remorseful. It’s not our turn to think “I could have done all of these things”. We think our turn is far away when, in reality, it’s dangerously close. We spend so much time thinking about the darkness in the world and that life is long. Meanwhile, we overlook all of these beautiful things in life – the patches of sunlight. And here you are, still reading this piece of text and unknowingly wasting your time while there are things that need to be done. So stop reading this right now. Like, actually, now. You don’t want to end up regretting your choices. So stop.

Ah, you’re still here, aren’t you? Of course you are. You’re reading this right now. If you had stopped, you wouldn’t be able to read this. Fine. You live your life. I have no dictation over that. Oh, well. If you’re going to keep reading, I guess I’d better entertain you. Not that I’m good at that. It’s something I’ve struggled with throughout my life. Keeping someone interested has been a challenge for me because I’m a pretty uninteresting guy if I do speak the truth. But you’re here – still listening and wanting. So I guess I’m better at entertaining than I thought. That’s comforting to know. You know what? I have a fantastic idea! Let’s do some storytelling! Or rather, I’ll do some storytelling. But it’s going to be a long story, so you should probably get a snack and a drink for the literary trip. Nah, I won’t start yet. Go ahead and get them. I’ll wait, I promise…No, seriously, you can go.

…You didn’t get them, did you? That’s okay. I didn’t really think you would. Okay, let’s start the story. If you get hungry, you can just stop reading, get a cup of ramen or something, then come back. But you knew that already, didn’t you? If you didn’t know that, I’m pretty concerned. You can stop reading at any time you wish. But I know you won’t. Probably because you’ve stuck with me for some time. I’ve digressed far enough, though. Let the story begin…

Once upon a time, there was a fantastical world known as the Divine Realm. It was a beautiful place full of perfection. Everyone inhabiting the place lived in unity. No one hated one another. No one envied one another. No one feared one another. In fact, the only thing that the people of the Divine Realm were scared of was another world – the Land of Nightmares. The Land of Nightmares was a place of true terror. Those who lived in the horrid place were full of corruption and evil. Fueled with greed and hatred, they maliciously killed one another in demonic ways. But the Land of Nightmares wasn’t always like this. It was once a lush land populated by plants and animals. That is, until a wrathful species came along and burned to the once beautiful world into a chaotic wasteland. They called themselves “humans”. As time passed, the Land of Nightmares became more and scarier. In ten years, all plants were wiped from existence. Following the absence of vegetation, the animals started to wither and die as well. From that point on, humans continued to rampage the land. They ate the flesh of their own fallen brethren to survive. And one by one, they, too, decayed away.

That didn’t turn out too bad. But now, I am lost for words. It seems as if I have ran out of ideas. That sucks. And by the way, why are you still reading? You’ve read through this entire thing? Really? That’s truly insane. There’s literally no point in reading what I have to offer…and you still did it. Perhaps…you are enjoying this? Ha ha, just kidding – that couldn’t be true…Unless…? Okay, maybe you are. If that’s the case, I’m happy to have made you happy. Ah, we’re on such a good note. We can’t end this here, can we? No, no. Let’s keep going and see where this one-sided conversation leads.

I’m literally writing this stuff from the top of my head so I’m sorry if a lot of these words are empty. Ooh, I have another idea! Since we’re on a forum about RotMG, let’s talk about that! The account that I use for this forum is GammaGamer, except my main (or the account that I use to play the actual game) is RogueGamma. People that have known me for a bit are aware of this. Some people have actually asked me if it’s annoying because people diss me for being a “Light Blue Star”. Eh, not really. It can actually be pretty fun because I get to be a smartass with other Orange Stars and they start to contemplate how a mere Light Blue Star knows as much about the game as they do. It’s super fun to mess with them and I’ve had cases where people (Discord, especially) tell me all kinds of things. Some as hurtful as “STFU, Light Blue – you don’t know jack about the game” all the way to “Dude, are you a RotMG developer or something?” (one person actually asked me the latter and I died from the comedy xD). But if I’m going to be real, I suck at RotMG like you guys won’t believe. One time, I maxed a brand-new Wizard to 8/8, stuck a bunch of Legacy STs and a handful of white bag drops, only to die on it ten minutes later in a Lost Halls run. Another time, I was in the middle of a Puppet Theater run with my Guild when I switched tabs for a quick second. When I went back to the game, a dozen stacked shots were headed my way and I didn’t have the quick reaction of fleeing to the Nexus. It was a good Necromancer and I’m still annoyed. The most painful death I’ve experienced to this day is probably the demise of my Paladin where I was chatting with my Guild during a Red Alien. Some Blorgian ended up sitting on me. I’m starting to regret talking about these deaths since they’re opening up the old wounds.

Let’s talk about other stuff. I’m disgusted by my own stupid deaths. This message is starting to get super long. I’m starting to get worried. What if everyone sees these words? Then it wouldn’t be a secret. Everyone would know. Just in case this gets flagged or blocked for being a super long “blank post”, I have decided to copy and paste this on to a Google Document. So these words will forever be immortal.

Let’s talk about another game. Minecraft, to be exact. I have a lot of fond memories from those days when I played Survival Mode…and sad memories. Very sad memories. Like, for example, the time I couldn’t pick up a Raw Chicken because my inventory was full. And it ended up despawning. The memory still haunts me and I’m not sure why. This one time, a Zombie Pigman managed to escape the Nether by using my Nether Portal. So for several days, I had a loud, grunting Zombie Pigman chilling in my house. And then it despawned. I was happy because it wouldn’t annoy me anymore, but I was also lonely, so for the next few days, I wondered whether I should have kept it as a pet. I probably should have. I would have loved a pet Zombie Pigman named Sam.

Okay, I think that’s enough of me rambling in this silly font. Have a great day or night, whatever your time zone is. Thank you for stopping by to listen to me!

Best of luck in the Realm,


can you use white font? well yes, but actually, no.




I don’t know if I like this thread




flagging the mod must be the biggest galaxy brain move of them all lmfao

as per the official Forum Guidelines (which I’m sure you’ve all read, right?), I think I’m going to close this thread. especially considering that even under the mask of empty bbcode and html you guys are still posting nothing (<xaklor smells> at least sort of has content compared to something like <gjkelfamdale>).
