War Zone


To play this forum game you state that you have built an army
and use to destroy another’s army. For example: I have made a army of mystics to destroy @Shatter’s army of whatever he made.
Good? Lets us start!


I’ll start…
I create an army of really ugly orcs to patrol my terratory.

Makes bigger (ugly) mystic orcs

Come at me!


I have an army of skull shrines that trigger your mystics by never dropping them conflicts.

(8 posts in 5 mins…woah)


I tell Oryx to never summon any more Skull Shrines therefor your attack has been countered.
EDIT: Must rest… I build a castle to protect me while I do.


Oryx doesn’t listen to players, therefore his attack is valid :stuck_out_tongue:




My army of melees steamroll your skull shrines


My cyclops fires to many projectiles making it hard for your melees to kill.

Melees are killed and rage quit ROTMG.


My army of realm closers obliterate your cyclops army


i summon 102312932 ghost kings that make your realm closers leave from boredom


I have 9001 enemies from Shatters to annihilate those pesky realm closers.

Oh ya and I summon bacon lovers to gouble you up @Piggby.


My advanced nuke system destroys them all


My army has surrendered because I really like the show Gravity Falls.


I make an army of dancing russians.

Theme song.


I make an army of ppl who poisoned the Russians vodka


seems interesting

i use trump’s army


I countered it by using Duterte’s army


I use Gaben’s Army

[Duterte’s army has surrendered]

Reason of surrender: Steam sales


But they were too fat to advance further than 5 meters from their com so they surrendered


I use my army of terminators to kill all your armies.