Warrior anti-leech abyss guide


What do you mean “not helping everyone”.

Oh yeah, because rushing all the way to the boss and greatly reducing the time of the dungeon is anti-co-op.

If you can’t help, you should leave.


This is definitely a “rich get richer and the poor get poorer” situation you’re describing. Obviously you’re good enough to rush an abyss on a warrior but other people may not be that good

Also, this

How much help would they ACTUALLY be if they tried to assist in your rush? Seriously, not everyone is that fast. If everyone did what your suggesting, abysses would become a warrior-only dungeon, since no one else can go that fast. (unless you’re pro w/ ninja, and then you the warrior gets screwed. I’d love to see THAT)


This is absolutely unreasonable.
Some people are afk, typing, or just really slow. That’s not fair for them.
I guess you can say leeching isn’t fair either, but this isn’t the right solution.


Aw, the moral question of “is it ok to be a dick to a dick?”.

Sorry, but if someone’s going to be unreasonable and not even attempt to help in the slightest, they can expect me to be unreasonable when they decide to TP.


So, if the person is a normal 0/8 who is trying to get better at the game, how does this help their experience?
At most, their attempts to help, would be so dismal, it would be negliable anyway, and therefore count as a leecher to you…and there’s little point if you are rushing anyway, as it’s clear they can’t keep up.

As stated, all you are doing is categorizing many players into a group of people, regardless of whether or not they are.


If someone’s 0/8 and want to get better, going into an abyss with a maxed player isn’t the way to do it.

If the amount of help you can provide in an Abyss is “negligible”, well, you shouldn’t be in there in the first place, at least not with other people.

Also, if i see a noob at least attempt to clear a few rooms, i’ll let them get some loot. But if they move into a corner and are doing nothing, regardless of any argument of “they’re a noob trying to learn”, i won’t let them get away with it.

You don’t get better at the game by leeching. And personally, i don’t even consider a leecher a player. Since they’re playing a co-op game while doing the exact opposite of what co-op is about.


If there’s one extra guy in “Your” Abyss or if there’s four of them and every single one of them is trying to do shit (no matter how poorly), do You actually stop before the boss, say “BOSS TP” and wait for them?

Or are they supposed to guess/figure out You’re at the boss and You’re safe? If You wait, how long do You wait?

Do You even think about what the other guys are doing, that they might be in a messy situation or in a middle of a rush on a bad class (Priest, Mystic, Trix, Rogue) and can’t carelessly just stop and try to tp to You, but have to find a safe spot or something?


Personally, if there’s that many people in an Abyss, i just leave.

And if someone is skilled enough to actually help in the slightest by clearing, i assume they are skilled enough to pay attention to their minimap and see when i’m near the boss.

If they don’t TP within 3 seconds, not my fault, and I go in.


Moral issues of leeching aside, I firmly believe that is the least true statement in the entire history of RotMG. Dead Serious. In fact, the second MOST important thing to learn in this game is how to do the Abyss of Demons. (first most important thing being “never give up”) Tagging along with an experienced, maxed player lets them get some experience of their own in the dungeon so they can improve and get better. Doing abysses improves reaction time and overall skill at the game. Of course, if they do nothing then that defeats the point.

But what makes that abyss “yours”? What if they were there first? What if they CAN’T find an uninhabited abyss because they’re filled with people like you? They’re players too, being maxed doesn’t make you any more of a person than them. If this was under any category other than the Academy, I would say nothing. But this is where newer players come for guidance, and telling them that they suck and everyone wants them out of their dungeons is not cool.


If a new player wants to learn, i’d assume that they’d at least attempt to leave the first room.

But that’s not the case with most leechers.

There’s a difference between going in with a friend that’s maxed and shows you how its done rather than going into a dungeon with a random person who just wants to rush as fast as possible and doesn’t care what happens to you.

All i’m saying, is there are far better ways to learn how to play the game than putting yourself in situations where you could be considered a leech.

Also, as someone who NPE’d in a crowded realm, it’s pretty easy to get in an Abyss by yourself.


Actually I said, [quote=“Xaklor, post:29, topic:1159”]
Moral issues of leeching aside

That last thing I posted was intended to be off-topic, I don’t want others to get the wrong idea from this twisted guide, It should be moved elsewhere in my opinion.


i lost an 8/8 pally while dragging on a level 3 warrior all my work lost to that one light blue star pro


99.99% your fault


i know xD but the goodside was to good to miss…
like that one time a 8/8 archer fell to my drag


I’m guessing this thread will have to be locked soon, as the new update makes it pretty much obsolete (unless you care enough about Vit and a 1% chance at Dblade to waste your time killing people over it).


Well, even then, it’s a good “be a douche for no reason” guide.


True, you can change this guide to be ‘Top 10 Ways to Kill Other Players’ guide, fame trainers HATE him.

INB4 the paralyze Bilgewater on portal trick that rekt ur warrior lmao


u done did a triggering

stahp oppressing me safe zone


Lol just use grum


sounds funny pls post them.

Heres an idea for killing unmaxed people: Stand in the middle of a huge construct party and say “free items for noobs here”