We did it guys! [Top 10 Worst Pay To Win Games]


Realm of the mad god is PlayToWinButPayToWinFaster


Aka what almost every game labeled as “p2w” is


And people still bring up “but it’s PAY FOR CONVENIENCE!!” arguments, smh


P2w is pay for convenience if you ask me.




I like how that they just threw talwar and needawig gameplay for no reason


They were too lazy to get their own footage. :slight_smile:


is that even legal?




probably not


Well there is pay2win as “pay to win faster” and “pay to instantly win”.


yeah, but only one of those exist


Much pay-content in Rotmg is completely optional (mere cosmetics and items you can alternately get via grind/trade).

Some pay-content in Rotmg is “pay for convenience” (low levelling pets can be easily done without spending any money, 70-90 with dedication/time, but paying players can get to this way faster than f2p player).

Some pay-content is “pay for advantage” (level 90+ pets, vaults, character slots). It’s not needed at all to compete, since there is so much RNG. But having these puts you in a position where you can constantly be rolling the RNG more than someone who only operates with 1 vault, 1 char slot.

To my mind Rotmg cannot be pure Pay to Win because there is simply no win condition in Rotmg. Unlike in a PvP game where P2W might mean you bought some infinite ammo supply or more powerful weapon and you only win due to your money spent.

However, Rotmg is somewhat P2W since the better your pet is (via money), the more likely you are to be rolling the RNG over and over. You can survive in situations where other players must nexus or die. So while maybe not strictly “pay to win”, it is definitely “pay to not die/nexus-and-miss-out-on-loot”. Lets just say P2W for save our breath saying all that though. :smile:

disclaimer: didn’t watch the video


'P2W doesn’t exist if you can’t win.


In rotmg winning could be assimilated to completing a character. What I mean by that is getting the character to 8/8, then getting all the UTs and such to make it one of the best.

The best example would be for an archer. First step is getting level 20, getting 8/8, and then getting the two basic UT bows (dbow and cbow), a T6 quiver, the armor you prefer (for me it’s spectral and beehemoths for rushing, some people will prefer csilk), and an end-game ring once again depending on your preferences (often crown, pyra, bracer and such).

Once these main objectives are complete, you’ve mainly “won” your character, although there’s alternative objectives, such as :

  • Getting ultra-endgame items : items from the Lost Halls, Void and Nest, as well as event whites. These will probably either be upgrades from your already powerful items, or cosmetics.
  • Getting top fames : best without fametraining, it’s just a way to show your survival abilities. Although this can get quite boring after a while.
  • Completing challenges : such as soloing a certain type of dungeon, doing a petless run of anything you’d like… It’s up to you.

Pets will probably make it easier to complete some of these, but most of these challenges actually require skills over mindless shooting.


Depends if talwar’s gameplay is copyrighted material

I can’t watch the video right now, but do they give credit for the game play to them?


Its not pay to win, but it’d be nice to have DECA give a little more respect to players who pay money into the game to be getting what they want. I mean, dyes and slots come free monthly now, and the only real thing to buy with money is misery boxes, which you’ll most likely get pet food (to spend more money on) or mystery dyes. You’d think they’d atleast have a catalog of all the skins/items you could normally get in misery boxes to avoid the chance at “”“luck”"". I mean, this is no triple A title, morever a game going through three different companies. DECA put a lot of things on the line giving a lot of free stuff in exchange of play time and attendance but when you finally drop ten bucks (or 200 bucks) only to get the bare minimum prize you could of bought yourself in the bazaars (even at a 5% discount).

But that’s the market these days I guess.


That’s why you look at the boxes before buying them. Some boxes are trash, some are great. You have to wait for the right opportunity, choose the right box and have a little bit of luck in order to get something worthwhile.


“Luck” should not be incorporated with purchasing power. Statistically speaking, putting the top prize of a mystery box at a 1/100 chance, each averaging lets say 150 gold each, “”“guarentees”"" a top item after $150. But, you could be “”“lucky”"" and pit actual money against the odds for mystery dyes or a key you don’t want because its in the way of the item you do want.

You don’t have to buy the boxes, you don’t have to add money onto the game, but from the perspective of the buyer, we should atleast get some more credit for what we’re buying. Locking something both behind a paywall AND a “”“chance”"" wall is insulting to the purchaser. He’ll still buy it though, since its towards something he wants, and that’ll be the argument defending this greedy method until the end of time.

DECA can have their cake and eat it too if all they did was add a catalog for items and skins. That way, if they want to charge $20 for a Knight Skin instead of $150 for a CHANCE to spend less than 20 or less than 150 to get some grab bag nonsense along the way (espsecially howw they’re adding dyes, petskins, regular skins, ST items, and even character slots to the F2P pool), it’ll make the consumer feel better knowing he had the choice to get the things he wanted on his own terms. Because right now, boxes (that aren’t the Key Extravaganza or Mystery Ambrosia boxes) top prizes or jackpots are worth its cost 1:1 with Realm Gold.


This is why I said you must think about what box you want to buy : you can either take huge risks with one of these boxes you are talking about, or buy a ambrosia/key extravaganza/etc box for guaranteed items under their normal price.