Weekend Chest Events - Woodland Labyrinth & The Crawling Depths CEs + Realm Open/Close Events! [Jan 18th to Jan 22nd]


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Feed power of cosmetics to be lowered

Whoopty-F***in’ Doo


Pretty sure it’s supposed to mean 14:45 as in 2:45 PM UTC since that’s around the time this post came out for me. So many golden skins owo


yay! Time to grind cdepths. Can they stop with woodland events tho?


I mean we all want the price of life to DROP! :confused:
But seriously these events are kinda weak.


Can someone screenshot the drops?? School xd


CDepths event is a nice and intelligent choice, since we had the parasite event last weekend and now we can complete the assassin set.
Money grab, though xD


DECA calling us punks :thinking:


Wow, chess piece finally dropping! Anyone who can call closing realms for me and I get the chess piece gets paid like a deca or something. Don’t play much anymore.


Dytto placed this, not just some Deca Games Official-nobody!
minor anger >:O

A nice and simple event. Fun to see that they’re also letting the gods dropping them have a reward.


:+1: I’ve edited OP to add the name.
Edit: I probably won’t do too much on this, events in those dungeons play out way too much like Dice-roll Simulator to be fun for me.

Edit2: event graphic from the main menu:



fcking hell, i didnt come back for the lh event, or the parasyte, but i might need to do the cdepths!

although i guess wlands are worth doing now too.

uh what should i use for this event? ive done like 3 wland in my life time so i have no idea whats goo @Unicorn


I wouldn’t worry about what class you use for wlab…there will be like a million people per dungeon



i went in there and yeah…

its memories of it being an instant pop lag dungeon surfacing there.


Pleb’s advice is right, especially since they hp-scaled it (?) now it shouldn’t be a problem getting sb. Though if you really are lagging that hard, I guess a piercing class would help get through the minions. I think it’s still that only the last phase (aggressive chase w/ exploding larvae) that counts for SB, and it used to be impossible during events to qualify because of the minions–unless you were piercing of course.


yeah its pretty easy,

cdepths is a bit harder, it seems like you go to black egg then the other closer one then kill boss and then other two, making sure you dont miss chest.

its very wonky what u should depending on the group, good group boss doesnt shoot or move, bad group…


I have been soloing both on USNW all day. Empty servers are awesome. Using rogue today but not good loot.
I am pretty sure they patched that insta pop issue in wlabs.


–> Being bamboozled 99% of the time when I see an orange bag but it’s just another dye


i got the lbow i wanted so this event gets a :crab: from me


Stock up on them.